The times are truly changing

Last edited: 25th April 2024

Up until recently I had very little time to work on this site and my projects in general. Reasons for that are pretty damn simple - I decided to improve myself and get some skills. In fact, that's what I've set up as a goal during this year at least. During the last month, I've made a breakthrough in that regard, as I was accepted into the core program of the courses I was attending. Guess my C and bash skills aren't that bad, haha. But what happens next is a whole another topic I want to talk about.

Ever since diving into hosting and maintaining the stuff, I was constantly improving. I decided that to be proud of myself, my goal for this year should be getting important skills. I even tried to get back at some of my stuff which I was enjoying before the crisis, but that didn't feel very right though. I guess that's what happens when the new reality kicks in and you have to adapt. Well, whatever, not like it was very critical. But am I ready for these changes? Who knows, but it feels like they really needed to arrive. So let's just hope I will get past it. But I also realized one more thing. When I was busy on those courses, I was hardly ever tired. Well, guess that's what happens when you are busy with the deal of your life. I need some dedication though and I feel like I will succeed in my goals.

Also, since one of our MUC members reminded me a few weeks back, when challenges present themselves, it is important to remember some good stuff from the past. I feel like sir Digdeeper does this each year on 1st of april, so I hope I am not late to the party lol. The thing is, back when I first entered the DD MUC, I had problems with the TOR daemon on my Obarun install. So I asked for some help in the MUC because I was a newbie back then and searching for answers via a searx instance didn't do much. Then Diggy himself replied with an "install Gentoo" joke and with me being a newbie I almost fell for it lol. Actually, now that I look back, I kinda admit how these moments play a pretty great role in developing of our personalities. At moments like these, they really warm my heart.

To summarize it all from the beginning, changes will come to my life. And, I am pretty sure, there won't be little of them. A few months back, they started kickin' in, but only now I do realize the scale of them. Where will it all lead me?.. Who knows, but for sure I can't forever stay where I am right now, although I improved quite a lot comparing to the time when I first started hosting Morty.