A short introduction by the creator of this website

Last edited: 29th January 2024

Hello, I'm Sprinkled Nights, and I've created the front-end of the website initially. Since backtoheaven was struggling with creating a good looking website, I allowed him to copy my website css and html baseline, however, I feel like backtoheaven could do a lot better to improve the looks of this website, so I decided to help him with the creation of this website.

What you'll expect from this websoyde is a mix between a weblog (a personal, unprofessional website) and articles (longer, more broad writings) about technology and internet privacy.

The internet is a wild place to say it metaphorically. You often not realise what the internet actually is. For some, it might be considered as the "future of the world" and as a beautiful and safe place, nevertheless, while these statements might be true, it's not necessarily the correct way to look at the internet, and you should not trust these opinions and take them for granted, which leads me to internet privacy. In the modern times of the internet, it's a very cooperate place, and everybody wants to profit from it from selling goods to selling coaches on how to get rich and get a lot of women et cetera et cetera. Another point of profit is data collection, which is basically tracking you, the user's data, for malicious reasons (the worst of them being to sell this data to advertising companies). I'm just scratching the surface level of this topic as backtoheaven will guide you all well enough into this topic, my job is to only introduce you to what can expect from this website outside of regular technology advancements.

Keep looking around! This site is in construction, so expect some further blog posts in the future as an example.