
Morty - the thing that kickstarted my "hosting journey". To put it short, almost nobody(except for Chaotic Ninja) was hosting it at the time and their instance was not always online when I needed it to. So I decided(with some encouragement, of course) to set up my own instance. Enough backstory, time for a description of the service itself: it basically allows you to visited some bloated and even some clownflared websites, so for resources like the XDA forums it is a big lifesaver for me :D

I also host a Conduit server(yes I know) so I can try and move some of my "normie" friends off centralized platforms, especially discuck. If we've met on a centralized platform ealier, then I am sure to welcome you on my server. See the Contact page to ask me for an account. Although I am sure I already offered it to you XD

4get(TOR) - a proxy search engine that doesn't suck. Hosting it on TOR only because of bot abuse

Teddit(TOR) - privacy-friendly reddit frontend. Again, TOR-only because of amount of bots on the clearnet. Sorry, "pals", find someone else to spam

I plan to host more stuff in the future, so make sure to stop by from time to time!