In order words, pay us every single month for stuff you DON'T own

Software as a Service, OS as a Service, Hardware as a Service, and there’s a forever growing list of more, all beta tests for the New “you’ll own nothing and be happy” World communist Order.
Remember how free software made us actually own software?
Remember how we used to own actual physical copies of video games? Movies? Comics? Magazines? Music?
Sure, they still exist, but they’re all disappearing at an alarming rate.
And the worst part is, the dumbed down masses love it so much, they’re even willing to voluntarily give up on their bodily autonomy, and go full blown Body as a Service.

Take back control while it’s still possible

Build your own website instead of relying on, Amebo, Blogspot, or some other Website as a Service one.
Install your own darknet-only server at home instead of getting a VPS (Server as a Service), and if you need to be on the clearnet, here in Japan at least there is Interlink where you can get a cheapo static IP.
Make your own Fediverse spaces instead of just using Fakebook/Minds, Shitter/Gab, JewTube/Odysee, TikTok/Instagram, and so on (Service as a Service?).
Dump your OS as a Service Windows 11 or macOS, and install Linux or BSD instead.
Trash your smartphone, the New World Order machine, and effectively Device as a Service.
Dump Discord (Communication as a Service), and go to XMPP, or set up a web forum again if your Discord chatroom (they call it a server, but it’s NOT a server by any means!!) is meant to be an “any poor sucker can enter” room.

The sooner we decentralize (not to be confused with “turn everything into a blockchain meme”), the better.