Tax = extortion

Let’s set up a multi-trillion business in which we need to work absolutely 0 hours a day every single day.
That’s basically the work of a tax collector; earn more money than the best paying jobs can even dream to giving you, while just eating grapes on a hammock on the beach all day every day.
Meanwhile, those who do work are the ones who have to pay for it.
Who wouldn’t want to work like that!?

The only difference between the government and literally mafia is, at least the latter will protect you from a different mafia if they try to extorting you, and all you need to do is just call them up.
Meanwhile, the government won’t give a fuck if you get extorted by another government, they all cooperate in lockstep together.

Pay as you breath

Do you own a house? No? Pay taxes over your rent, pleb!
Oh you actually bought a house? Well, you’re having a death contract? Cool, pay taxes over THAT instead then!
Oh wait, you bought that house with cash and don’t even need to pay anything at all now? I don’t care, here’s your land tax, bitch!

Lonely? Wanna have a pet? Here’s your doggo tax then. (Applicable in some countries only)
So I heard you have a TV right? Do you ever watch the NHK? No? I don’t care, pay NHK tax anyway!
Hungry? Here’s a bit of sales tax on your food, whether you like it or not!

Pay taxes to fight piracy, so we can encourage even more piracy

Some simple steps:

  1. Buy a music CD legally in a physical store.
  3. Now you will be punished by paying copyright (which is a scam) tax on every CD you buy.

Congratulations mafia, you’ve just destroyed yet another previously booming industry!

The trick to legally evade taxes

  1. Have a passport of any country other than the USSA. If you have American nationality, dump it (after you pay exit tax TEEHEE).
  2. Get residency in Panama.
  3. Get a remote job in Dubai.
  4. Choose 2 to 4 countries you actually want to settle in, and rotate between them once every 3 months.

Congratulations, now you legally pay 0 taxes!
All you have to do is carry around your passport at all times to buy everything tax free (and only shop at places that have a tax free discount).

Fun fact: taxes are actually voluntary

Taxes are only mandatory if you work within the system.
Taxes are only mandatory if you file your taxes.
Mind blowing, isn’t it?

Fuck the system!
Live in the woods, in the mountains, next to a lake, near a waterfall, make your own food, make your own shelter, no tax here mate!