The school system, aka government indoctrination center

Young kids want to play, that’s why we destroy their entire childhoods by teaching them absolute bullshit in school which they will never need in the real world at all during their first 20 years on earth.
What can possibly go wrong?

Spam your kids’ heads with bullshit they will never need in life

  • Biology, while interesting, the vast majority of the kids will probably never have anything to do with it.
    Also, wasn’t biology a soycial cumstruct, you biggots!?
  • Geography, just explore the real world as-is, maps of the world are probably all fake anyway (and no, I’m NOT a flatearther, neither a globe earther).
  • Math, REEEESIST!!
    On a serious note, why the fuck do you need to know all of the complex stuff if you’re going to use just the basics in real life anyway?
    And the majority of the zoomers have a calculator on their phones, so they don’t even need that!
  • Language, it’s a natural skill dude!
    No need to soyentifically REEEEsearch how grammar works if you’re using the language already without ever thinking about it!
    Because why should I need to know the rules of a language while speaking a language?
    Only makes you lose focus while actually speaking, making you come over as a total retard.
  • Foreign language, usually English outside of the Anglosphere, and maybe 1 to 6 more depending on the country, but something you can learn even more effectively by playing video games in that language, instead of having to worry about the rules of a language.
  • PE, you don’t know where’s the toilet?
    Oh wait, you mean Physical Education right?
    Isn’t that what kids should be doing instead of going to school anyway though?
  • Economy, withnessing a crypto bullrun and then losing lots of money by going into a bearmarket will teach you more about economics than 12 years of economy classes.
    Even math is more useful!
  • Critical race theory, translation: racism.
  • IT, apparently the zoomers are so spoiled, they even have IT classes now.
    Can’t comment much about it, I only hope they won’t teach them bad practises (they probably do).

Also, do kids even learn any priciples at school?
The head of the school who’s raping children if they behave badly in class?
No, actual principles.
Oh, in that case, nope…

A degree is a certificate of being retarded

The higher your degree, the more brainwashed you are.
As a middle school graduate, you’re probably kind of reasonable.
As a high school graduate, you might still have some reason left maybe.
As a college graduate, you’re a retard.
As a university graduate, you’re a government drone.

Got all your degrees?
Next stop, the mine, slave!


Ground zero for deranged lunatics.
Ever wondered where wokeness starts, that’s college.

University = completion of brainwashing

Define university.
Uni = one
Verse = way of thinking

Hidden in plain fucking sight!
The elite’s wet dream is that you have only 1 way of thinking, and any out of the box thinking will give you a Blue Screen of Death, or a Kernel Panic depending on what operating system they installed into your (no longer functioning) brain.
That’s why they’re making it more and more easier to go to school.
And of course money is also being involved here, but that aside.