All religions are fake

Before you tell me I’m irreligious, well, I am.
There is only 1 creator that happens to go by different nicknames, like God, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, contiousness, your soul, spirit, the universe, science, the Big Bang, evolution………
It’s really the exact same thing, just called differently by different people.
All religions are, are a way for you to kind of visualize the creator with added disinfo mixed in by the elites around 200 years ago.
With this, religion is technically a dogmatic bunch of theories.

Jesus exist in every religion in some form

If you think of Jesus, you probably only ever consider Christianity.
Guess what?
He’s part of Islam, Hinduism, Judiaism, and all sorts of other abrahamic religions too!
Though his story differs in each one of them.

In Christianity, Jesus is the son of God, and died on a cross.
In Islam, he’s a prophet, and actually survived his crussification.
In Hindiusm, he was only there for a few days, and then went like “fuck this shit, I’m going home”, and the Indians invited him for dinner in India or some shit.
In Judiaism, he was considered a bad guy who has beaten the hell out of the angry Jews or whatever, apart from that weird 6 triangle star, their God being called “King David”, the fact Hitler had quite a suspicion on them, and the fact they run pretty much all the banks, media, and whatnot, I don’t really know much about the Jews.

It’s all the same

Here’s some homework for you, read the Bible, and immediately after that read the Quran.
Notice how you’re basically reading different chapters of the same book.
Bible and Quran are as different as Debian and Red Hat are; same base system, similar structure, but different tools to work with and different phylosophy.

Religions are bad for your health

Religions are a kind of like a glue for soycieties to keep it together, as all people in the same area would have some things to agree upon.
But the unhealthy part is that they legit start believing that their version is literally the truth, and will thus force it on to everyone else.
At least, that is the case with the abrahamic religions more than the other ones.

The only major religion that doesn’t force you stuff is Buddhism, that one is all about letting go and not giving a fuck.

If religion is fake, then how is God real?

Because you got psyopped into believing that God is exclusively a religious thing.
You don’t need religion to believe in God, you can achieve the same thing with spirituality, which is the way the world really works anyway.
Ancient tribes, hell even current year tribes don’t believe in any kind of religion, but they do believe in God, they do believe in meditation, they do have telepathic capabilities, and so on.