Borders are fake and gay

And no, I’m not a globalist/globohomo.
Nationalists will especially get triggered by this, but I don’t care.

Only humans can see borders

Nationalists will always remind you how borders are natural part of civilizations.
What the fuck does that even mean?
It’s either natural, or part of a civilization, it can’t be both!

Take this thought excercise for example.
If it’s something natural, then why do animals not care? Why do bugs not care? Why do plants not care? Why do typhoons/hurricanes/cyclones/etc not care? Why do wildfires not care?
Ever seen birds queing up at border crossings, showing their passports 30 times every time seasons change?
Hell, even the Eww with its diverse cultures figured that borders are bad.
India is filled with mutually incompatible cultures, and they don’t have borders.

The only reason why only humans can see borders is because of Mind Control and decades of Government Indoctrination System, and of course the media.

Passports are only a hundred years old

Passports exist only a few years shorter than the Federal Reserve, because it’s part of THEIR system of control!
Before that, humanity used to be able to travel to wherever they wanted without any problems, just like every other living creature can still do to this day.

“We need borders to keep different races separate” is bullshit

There are so many different dog and cat breeds, do they all need borders to be kept apart? No.
There are many different types of trees, do we need to create borders for them to live peacefully? No.
There are skilled foreign workers all over the world, do they cause any disturbance? No, only the unskilled ones do, which are all paid by governments to be there anyway.

People who can’t get along with one other will naturally create separate communities, no borders or passports necessary.

Pride in a country over achievements of others is communist

How many times do I hear how proud Americans are for their “founders” to separate from the British?
How many times do I hear them being proud to be American for “winning” WWII on 2 continents (which by itself is bullshit by the way)?

This is exactly how the Chinese see it; every time 1 Chinese individual wins a contest, they see it as if all Chinese people have won that same contest at the same time.
The ones who established America separated themselves from the British, not you!
The Freemasons have “won” WWII, not you!
It only just so happens you possess a slave card, I mean passport issued by the same place the given government appears to be located in.