Free speech platforms are a scam

Every single time JewTube, Shitter, or Fakebook goes through a round of mass bannings, a new alt tech platform pops up out of nowhere.
Every time they give the impression that they’re all about free speech, only to then censor or ban you for saying something they don’t like.
The PR on their homepages always tend to give a very different impression of what is written in their Terms of Service, which effectively makes them auth-right approved speech platforms as opposed to big tech’s auth-left approved speech platforms.
In this sense Shitter is way more free speech than Gab, Parler, GETTR, and so-called “TRUTH” soycial combined.
Because while Shitter has insane double standards, and is extreme communist and all that, at least because of its massive size it’s easier to get away with stuff that will otherwise get you banned.
On the alt-tech platforms on the other hand, it’s way easier to get sniped down due to its considerably smaller userbase.

So far, the only platform declaring to be a free speech platform that is truly free speech is Free Speech Extremist, they only ban spam and actual pedophilia, and that’s it.

Another pattern I noticed is that true free speech can only be found in smaller Pleroma or Mastodon instances that don’t necessarily advertise themselves as free speech.
Examples are Baest, Baraag, Varis.Hangout, and 076 SNS, as well as single user instances (obviously) such as アノンの見解 and Pawlicker.