Copyright and/or DMCA is a multi-generation old scam

Many people knowing me for some time know that every time I mention copyright or DMCA, I always say “which is a scam” right after that.
This is because so many people are very unaware of this fact, much of the “red-pilled” people aren’t aware, but those same people are the ones using proprietary soyware while being completely ignorant of its consequences.

Most people who pirate will do so to give a certain thing a try while being broke, or because there’s no demo version available, or because they have to use it against their will.
Banning piracy will not magically spawn money in the consumers’ wallets needed to buy something copyrighted.

Garbage is less likely to be pirated, because who would even want to go through the trouble buying the copy just to pirate it anyway?

Likewise, creators themselves are also getting their heads chopped by copyright.
Their middlemen are the ones cashing in while they’re left with crumbs.
Creators would prefer piracy to boost sales, and therefore boost loyalty among the fans, and with this profit.

Every time indies put their own games on torrent sites, their sales skyrockets overnight.
They do that because they know their games are great.

Ever noticed how the most desperate people going against piracy are corporations having nothing good to offer though?
Serves as a great way to filter out the gems from the garbage, now I think of it.


Same as the hurts sales part; no revenue = no extortion, I mean taxes to collect.

The only people who profit off copyright are the already overbloated middlemen doing nothing but counting money their sheep give them for products they’ve never made.

DMCA is a doxxing tool

Every JewTuber who had to repeal a strike at least once knows this.
Whenever you repeal the strike, you will dox your real name, address, phone number, and so on to whoever reported you.
Since JewTube is run by bots, and their claims to bring you to court is literally just bluff, you can actually put fictional information in there, and you’ll still have equal chance of getting the strike repealed as with real information.
But many don’t know, or aren’t willing to take the risk.