Climate change is a scam

Climate change is code word for “let’s make up a yet another excuse to make everyone transfer their wealth over to the elites, and enrich their own pockets even more”.

The plastic dillema

In 2019, they told us to dump ALL the plastic AT ALL COST!!
Replace the plastic straws for paper ones (USA only for now though).
Turn plastic bento boxes into ones made out of vegetables (not sure how much of it is true, seems more like replacing hard plastic for soft plastic to me).
Take out all the platic from the ocean.

In 2020, all of the sudden we needed the following in order to “stop the spread”:

  • Masks, made out of fiber, so kind of plastic.
  • Rubber gloves, obviously plastic.
  • Pay with a plastic card, because cash can have viruses on it (but a card or a phone doesn’t).
  • Head-condoms in some of the more insane places, obviously plastic.
  • Hand insanitizers, sold to you in plastic bottles.
  • Nurses dancing in all plastic on TikTok.
  • Also, as per tradition, new iPhones got announced. What? Not enough money? Here’s a plastic one just for you then!


And so now in 2022……we now have to stop using plastic AGAIN.
Until the covAIDS returns again this autumn (or continues for those of us in Asia).


More like carbonade. (dadjoke)
Ask your average planetfucker what a “carbon” or “carbon emission” means, I bet they have no idea.
The very idiots that tell us to go all the way 0 carbon, have no clue on what the hell a carbon even means to begin with.

Let me explain, carbon is a natural element that exists literally everywhere, you literally can’t go 0 carbon, unless you end all of existance altogether.
Carbon and CO2 both get especially emitted by trees, you know, the very life form the planetfuckers claim to care about the most.
Wanna eliminate carbon emissions? Wanna go net zero? You’ll need to kill all the trees then!
But your average TV believer will never get it, because everyone is THIS fucked up…

By the way, don’t you agree that “carbon” sounds a hell lot like “car ban”, one of the things they want to do for the New World Order?

The private jet dillema

I used to find many golden memes on CuckCuckGo, but that site got so heavily insanitized, there are literally no memes there at all.
Only pro-cloymet change propaganda.
At least Searx still shows a select few of those.
Yet another reminder to the fact that you can’t trust ANY centralized trash at all.

Let’s all go to the other side of the ocean with our private jets to lecture the world on how bad air travel is to the environment.
That’s how the mafia operate, and your average planetfucker doesn’t seem to notice or care at all.
But us plebs booking a flight ticket after a year of hard work though!? WELL THAT’S THE END OF THE WORLD!!