No, you can't achieve freedom through killing all politicians, you have to disobey them!

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寮、 2022/06/03 — politics, new-world-order

“Non-compliance is so hard, can’t we just take them out by violence?”
I used to believe that too, but it has no use.
Even if you get past many layers of military grade security checkpoints, kill every single politician in the entire country, all this will do is they’ll just ship a bunch of new puppets, and nothing will change as your average person will continue to comply anyway, while policies will remain identically the same.

And by the same token, you can’t bring change through voting.
All you will change is which set of criminals is enslaving you, policies will remain exactly the same.

Therefore, mass non-compliance is the only real way out of tyranny.
Mass non-compliance is the only thing that will actually change things for the better.