The real reason why they pushed Ivermectin during the peak of the lethal injection fad

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寮、 2022/04/09 — politics, covaids, psyop

Why did they introduce Ivermectin exactly during the peak of the lethal injection fad?
Too many people were waking up to the fact that corona doesn’t exist, so they had to give those people something to bait back to sleep.

Whether it’s safe or not, I won’t talk about it, but take the following under consideration:
If you know there’s no such a thing as a “COVID-19”, if you know it doesn’t exist at all, then what the fuck do you need Ivermectin for!?
By shilling Ivermectin to cure covaids, aren’t you basically saying that covaids exist?

Even if you use the “but cases are going down thanks to Ivermectin”, how is that supposed to make any difference?
This is the perfect example of “the illusion of choice”.
Raising cases = harsher lockdowns.
Falling cases = make it 40% less harsh for a little while, only to then make it 60% worse next time cases go up.

How are the cases counted?
RNG testing (which is not a test)?
Or do they just make up the numbers however they want?
Noticed how every single country had raising and falling cases all at the same time, regardless of whether the RNG tests (which are no tests) have been available or not? Regardless of whether the population obeys or disobeys? Regardless of it being expensive, cheap, or free of charge?

One thing this whole covaids psyop has confirmed, is how dumb the whole wide world is.