Why do those who claim to love freedom hate freedom?

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I bring up freedom on this blog all the time, as it’s very important in the age of freedoms being taken away from everyone bit by bit all the time.
Primarity exposing fake “free speech” platforms (1, 2, 3), writing about freedom and freedom-related stuff (1, 2, 3), and since recently exposing fake “freedom” initiatives (1, 2).
However, every time I talk about freedom, I get lots of backlash from all sides.
This is because so few people even know what freedom even is.

Even the people who claim to be “freedom-loving” are very much anti-freedom authoritarians.
But then again, let’s consider what most people on Earth consider to be freedom:

  1. Get extorted by literal pedophiles.
  2. Pay lots of rent to live in a big house which is mostly empty because you’re at the office 8 hours a day + a total of 4 hours commute.
  3. Work for a boss at a company that barely even respects your existence.
  4. Participate in meaningless selections in which you can choose by which owner you want your ass to be whooped, even though the way they whoop your ass is exactly the same.
  5. Have a slave card with you at all times even if you only need it once every 10 years.
  6. Get an intemediary (therefore bloat) to find God according to the rules of their books, rather than finding God by yourself or using that intemediary as a societal glue.
  7. Depend on the soystem in the hope you’ll be left alone (spoiler alert: you won’t).

However, all of the above is anti-freedom.
With real freedom comes responsibility, dicipline, self-governance, self-sufficiency, independence from the soystem, disobedience to all politicians and all political parties, running your own business, setting up your own network of internet-based services (ideally we’d all just settle with personal static websites, an RSS feed, an XMPP server, an email server, an IRC server, and maybe a newsgroup server), create a local community of people, set up a local economy, and above all, be yourself and live right now rather than in the past or future.
Most people don’t know how any of this even works (even though it’s very simple if you think for yourself), instead they believe that to get freedom, you’ll need to vote for more slavery, but by a different party.

Even if you look at the religious boomers on alt tech, they believe that freedom can only be achieved by voting the DEMONrats out and voting the reptilicans in.
Meanwhile, the wokies on big tech believe that you should vote reptilicans out in favor for DEMONrats.
Neither even realize that all they’re actually doing is swapping one set of pedophile, psychopathic WEF puppets out for another set of pedophile, psychopathic WEF puppets.
Meanwhile, policies remain exactly the same regardless of who’s “in power”.

This is the same for all countries, whether it be Japan, Taiwan, Airstrip One, the Eww, South Korea, Taiwan, Ausjailia, New Xiland, Kanaduh, USSA, India, Ukraina, Roshan, IsraHell, South Africa…………
Not so much in the case of CHAINA!!, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, and Kebabistan, but that’s because they don’t even hide the fact that they’re a one giga-party state run by 1 DICKtator (as a puppet).
Except in most of those there’s more parties than 2.
I know that USSA and Ausjailia have more than 2 parties too, but they focus so much on only 2, that it’s technically like a 2 party soystem, which is a rotational DICKtatorship.
Multi party sosytems aren’t anything better either, as there’s always a few big parties, among them there are always a few that will never win, simply because they’re never designed to win, they’re only there to pretend to be against everything the establishment is for just to keep the whole illusion of choice going.

And you can’t even explain most people this fact, or they’ll get mad at you.
In order to be free, you’ll need to take matters in your own hands.
Very few people are willing to do so, they’re so deeply programmed that they won’t survive without governments taking care of them, which is why they prefer to live under authoritarianism, either globalism or nationalism, both of them are authoritarian and therefore anti-freedom.
And that’s what they too refuse to understand, globalism vs nationalism is a divide and conquer scam, it’s meant to keep left wing authoritarians and right wing authoritarians respectively busy fighting amongst themselves and making them stay away from freedom as much as possible.

Why are both of them anti-freedom you might ask?
Because both involve a form of government!
Globalism requires 1 massive worldwide government, while nationalism requires a bunch of regional governments.
The only government you truly need is yourself.

In the end, the biggest fear of governments is the people waking up to the fact that they don’t need the government in order to live their lives.
It works for all animal species, it works for all trees, it only apparently doesn’t seem to work for humans somehow.
Or well, it does work for us humans, but most humans simply don’t understand and even refuse to understand.
YOU are the power.