Theory: is the so-called "Ukraine war" meant to prevent Europeans from escaping upcoming tyranny?

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寮、 2022/04/07 — politics, psyop

I was considering something.

The EU goes full blown communist/tyrannical, dystopic ultra police state, the west exit is the ocean, and the opposite side is already in a even bigger downfall, the south exit (or rather south entrance) is the mediteranian and then Africa, which Europeans are afraid of anyway, and north exit is the North Pole (if it even exists to begin with).

The only exist they have left which they’re not scared of to escape to is the east, air traffic to out of Europe has been blocked, so in order to get to the east exit, they need to get through either Belarus or Ukraine first, and both have the imaginary “war” going on (on TV), and the Europeans buy into it, and now they’re just stuck in Europe (unless they want to go to Turkey).

At the same time, America has been erecting a wall at the Mexican border, us “crazy conspiracy theories” have been warning for a whole decade now that the wall exists only to keep the Americans in instead of the Mexicans out (think Berlin wall and keeping the commies in eastern Europe).

Australia, New Zealand, and the UK don’t have to do much other than stopping boat traffic, because they’re islands.

So don’t they do the whole Ukraine vs Russia psyop just to prevent Europeans from escaping the EU?
Because it sure as fuck seems like it!

This makes even more sense if you consider the fact that Poland is absolutely littered with pro-Ukraine propaganda, more than the rest of Europe combined.
Still, pretty ironic that USSR defectors who escaped to western Europe always joked about Ukrainians being literally Russians, and now all of the sudden the very same people stand with Ukraine while hating Russians.