As a lib-right, I'm disappointed in the tech other lib-righters choose

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寮、 2022/06/30 — technology, webdev

2 days ago I published the scams article on free speech platforms, which then sparked a massive conversation between many different people from many different instances and went on from yesterday evening all the way to today morning.
This gave me an idea for a rant.

The lib-right gets lots of stuff right, like economics, freedom, spirituality, memes, parties, business, and many other things.
However, the 2 areas the lib-left is superior at are technology and loli’s.

I used to believe that loli’s was more a lib-right thing, but many on this side either don’t care, or go on a “MAH DIJENERESHII!!” crusade, and will use their real face for everything instead.
Well, considering most lib-right people tend to be American boomers, it’s not all that surprising anyway.
On the other hand, the lib-left always tends to pick a cute loli as their avatar, style their websites around that character, make things seem cute, and everything.
But then again, most of the lib-left people tend to be European millenials, so they’re naturally much more appreciative towards Japanese otaku culture.

As for technology, as you can see from the discussion on the Fediverse, the lib-left tends to self-host their own websites in which they’ve put lots of care into, they actually care about privacy, they actually care about putting their own website front and center, use SNS just as an advertisement and communication tool, host their own mail, XMPP, Tor, IRC, and Gemini servers, have very deep knowledge about Linux and BSD, and all that.
Meanwhile, the lib-right generally doesn’t even have a personal website, and if they have it’s usually an overly bloated WordPress soyte filled with ads, trackers, and JavaScript (all pulled from and pinging to big tech servers all the time), hosted on an AWS (big tech) server, put behind CuckFlare (undeclared big tech), but only use it to embed JewTube (big tech) or Shitter (big tech) embeds, complaining about how they’re banned from all of big tech and how much they hate big tech.
Otherwise they’re using Cuckflared alt tech platforms which ban you even before big tech.

Among the lib-right people with real tech knowledge (and/or loli appreciation), there really doesn’t seem to be many people.
All I can think of is myself (yup.), テクニカル諏訪子, PhenomX6, WrongThink, xianc78, チャノさん, BananaMulcher, Luke Smith, and Mental Outlaw.
Loli frog and I are perhaps the only 2 of them all that do all the stuff the lib-left does right (but we’re both Japanese and Linux users from a very young age, so maybe that’s why?), other than that they all seem to be stronger at only either of the 2 points. But that’s really all there is.