They are really destroying the current economy as hard as possible

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寮、 2022/10/21 — economics, politics, technology

You might have noticed that all the financial institutions are going full blown totalitarian recently.
And other stuff are being replaced by worse stuff.
Whether you see it or not, this is not on accident, this is all on purpose and according to plan.


First I’ll start with specifically Japan, as there have been a couple of changes over the past almost 3 years that are unique to Japan, and at the same time they’re equally suspicious.

Payment terminals

I’ve seen an increasing number of stores replacing their cash registers with payment terminals that look like desktop PCs from the 1990’s.
They all accept cash, because Japan is the only 1st world country in the world that still uses cash more than any other payment options, but they also come with options to pay by QR code crapps (more on that in a bit), IC cards (so public transportation passes, 7/11’s Nanaco, Rakuten’s Edy, and AEON’s WAON), credit/debit cards (mostly VISA and JCB, but sometimes they accept SlaveCard, AMEX, Diner’s Club, and some more), and sometimes even the CHAINA!! only payment options (lots of Chinese residents and tourists coming into Japan every single year except for the last 2 years, so kinda makes sense).

Not sure why, but there must be some agenda behind it.
I know that physical cash have microchips on them, a bankster even admitted it to me in person.
So I suggest that the latest payment location and store’s bank information is being written on that chip each time you pay, and latest withdraw location and your information as noted on your bank account each time you take the withdraw from of an ATM, and deposit location and bank information each time you deposit into an ATM.

Not saying this is true in any way, but it makes perfect sense based on the information I gave until now.
Just in case you want to know, this is how it looks like at the 7/11:


When crypto became basically villified by the government back in 2018, there has been a major boom of QR-based payment methods similar to AliPay and WeChat Pay in CHAINA!!.
Yahoo! Japan (which is currently owned by SoftBank) came with PayPay, Naver came with LINE Pay, 7/11 came with 7-Pay (which got killed in a matter of weeks), Rakuten came with Rakuten Pay, Family Mart came with FamiPay, and more.
I remember there being more mutually incompatible QR pay crapps than there are mutually incompatible chat crapps/platforms/protocols at one point.
But at just about the start of the scamdemic it got narrowed down to just PayPay and LINE Pay (think AliPay and WeChat Pay respectively), but now it seems like in the end it became just PayPay in most stores.

Even the small mom-and-pop shops who traditionally only accepted cash now also accept PayPay, simply because it’s so easy to set it all up and free of charge (you need to go through KYC however).
Which is why I wonder why they didn’t consider crypto, which is even simpler and also free of charge.
Oh well, double standards…

New 500 yen coin and bank note designs

There’s a new 500 yen coin being issued as part of the transition from the Heisei era to Reiwa era.
And new designs for all the bank notes are set come out in 2024.
This of course is totally fine and nothing dangerous at all, just saying it because it’s technically a change in the monetary system here in Japan over the past 2 years.


GayPal like how I like to call it, so I’ll refer PayPal to GayPal from here on.
They’ve gone through a lot in a very short time.
Of course it’s the raising transaction fees that have always been on the raise anyway, but also them censoring transactions, them blatantly stealing your money without your knowledge or consent, them shutting your account down for being affiliated to a group they don’t like, and now even them literally giving out fines for practising one of the many basic Kami-sama given human rights called free speech, which ultimately made half the planet cancel their GayPal accounts.

Don’t make a mistake, this is not GayPal going politial for no apparent reason, this is all according to plan.
To avoid me repeating myself, I’ll explain why a few sections later.


Or debitcards if you have that one.
SlaveCard and Pissa (MasterCard and VISA), as well as AMEX, Diner’s Club, JCB (Japanese brand), Maestro and V-Pay (kinda Dutch brand?), MIR (Roshan brand), UnionPay (Chinese brand), and more all decided to babysit on their users at the same time.
More on that in a bit.


Even banks aren’t safe.
They all require dox, because worldwide Patriot Act, all the European banks specifically also require a smartphone crapp on top of that, luckily the Japanese banks don’t, but they all have transaction, withdrawal, and deposit fees.
None of these are really recent changes, but keep in mind that they might as well be next.

What is recent is how Americuck and Ausjailian banks are apparently having blackouts all the time, but I haven’t really looked into it, and neither I really care.


Bitcoin itself isn’t as bad, but it’s surveilled, the blockchain is transparent and centralized, high fees, slow, apparently WEF-controlled too.
Bitcoin is usually seen as the only hope to most people, but they haven’t discovered Monero yet.

The reason

The reason is because they really want to push people into using CBDCs, and make it come over as the only option left that is still usable.
Meanwhile, it’s the only option that’s unusable from the get go.

Once the people start using CBDCs, freedom is over.
It’ll be very hard to undo it all.

The solution

Luckily, we can still prevent the CBDCs ship from completely arriving.
We have technologies like Monero, which is similar to the QR code based payments, except not owned by any corporation and/or controlled by any government or bankster (they even have a bounty for whoever can crack it, and to this day nobody still claimed this bounty after so many years, so it tells quite a lot).
Monero also kind of has similarities with CBDCs, except it’s just money and not all the control grid bloat that CBDCs come with.

So start using Monero while the CBDCs haven’t arrived yet (they kind of already did, but they’re not considered CBDCs yet).
Merchents need to start accepting Monero, even if they’ll only get 1 customer using it for now, it’ll be potentially the currency everyone is going to use at some point.
And you’ll also boost your sales while it’s not mainstream yet, as you’ll be able to accept money from people who otherwise can’t participate in the soystem, and money should never be political.

As a test drive, feel free to donate me Monero.
Still got 0 donations to this day, so you still have the unique opportunity to become the first to donate.
However, I can’t give you any shoutouts simply because all transactions are anonymous anyway, and the simple rule of using Monero is that you remain anonymous, so I can’t know where donations come from.