How multiple psyops at the same time make us weak

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寮、 2022/09/24 — psyop, politics, spirituality


Psyops have been common ground since at least world war 1, though now that more and more people are waking up, the criminals in power are having massive amounts of psyops all running at the same time.
And it’s actually for a reason that there are so many of them, I’ll explain in a bit.
But first, allow me to list all the psyops (at least, all the ones I can think of) that have been active between 2020 to today.

  • CovAIDS
  • Monkeypox
  • Flat earth
  • Qanon and all the branches of it (like YamatoQ)
  • “WEAR A MASK!!”
  • Germ theory
  • Vaccine shedding
  • War in Ukraine/Ukraine invasion
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Ivermectin
  • Killing of Abe
  • Death of “The Queen”
  • Climate change
  • Taiwan invasion
  • Pandemic babies
  • Feminizm
  • LGBT
  • NFTs
  • Tartaria
  • Europe The Final Battle (Nazi good documentary)
  • SpaceX
  • New Age religion
  • George Floydd + BLM + Antifa
  • January 6th
  • (S)elections (all countries included)
  • Europe’s energy crisis
  • Americuck pulling out of Afghanistan

Did you notice the lack of bias here?
Most people on the so-called “right” will only put covAIDS, Monkeyfraud, feminizm, LGBT, “GET BOOSTED/VACCINATED”, “WEAR A MASK”, Ukraine/Taiwan invasion, death of the queen, climate change, George Floydd, and January 6th as psyops, while the so-called “left” will consider only vaccine shedding, tartaria, nazi good documentary, NFTs, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and pandemic babies as psyops, both sides might consider flat earth, Qanon, and germ theory to be psyops, and neither side will consider the remaining ones as a psyop.
It might come over as if I’m biased towards the right because I put up way more psyops on the right than the left, but that’s more because there weren’t as many leftists psyops, simply because those on the left firmly held on to theirs for more than 2 years (and they still do in most cases), while the right believes in something for a while, and then they move on.

First thing you might want to disgard is the left/right divide, it’s just a scam.
Left and right used to be purely economic policies, so if you like to be dependent on the government for money, go left (communism), if you prefer to make money independently, go right (capitalism).
Nowadays, both sides append a bunch of politics and other checkboxes, and if you don’t check all the boxes on the right, the right will consider you a lefttard, and if you don’t check all the boxes on the left, the left will consider you a righttard, it’s absolutely ridiculous!
Which is why I stopped considering myself to be on the right, left, or center, I just consider myself to be an anarchist these days, no more “anarcho-capitalist”, or “anarcho-communist”, or “anarcho-primitive”, or “anarcho-feminazi”, or “anarcho-archist”, or “anarcho-whatever”, just “anarchy” and that’s all.

The beauty of the Fediverse is that you can actually exchange ideas across many different spectra, and maybe even learn from one other.
Like how until yesterday I thought the germ theory was a hoax, but that’s because I thought that germs and viruses are the same thing, considering how people started talking about both since the start of the scamdemic.
But turned out it’s not the same.

Or much earlier a member of 076 SNS (where I’m one of the admins of), TerminalAutism, debated with me on how all the isms as in capitalism, communism, soycialism, and so on are all very cultish due to their dogmatic nature.
During the debate I didn’t realize that and even tried to debunk it, but the next day I thought back at this and thought “actually, he’s actually right about that”.
Communists try to force capitalists into becoming communists, but capitalists also try to force communists into becoming capitalists, after a bit of meditation I came to this realization.

Something you will never get on any centralized SNS like Twitter or Gab, where if you aren’t in line with their groupthink for at least 999 bazillion percent, you’re immediately considered a shill.

Another one is the whole cultish mentality towards everything Freemason.
So if you live at room number 33 of an apartment, then by definition you’re a Freemason.
Whether the person living in that room even knows what a Freemason even is or not doesn’t matter.
Or everyone that uses pink, purple, or orange is a Freemason.
I once had somebody pointing out that all the 076 services are Masonic, because everything is themed in pink and/or purple, and the Suwako background on specifically Pleroma, Invidious, and Librarian casts lots of orange.
No you fucking idiot, the orange is part of the sunset in that background image, and pink and purple (and yellow) is because those are the main colors of Moriya Suwako from Touhou Project, so loli frog simply themed her services around that particular character, just like how I themed my blog around Kree from Genshin Impact, which is red and yellow, and before using Kree I used Flandre Scarlet, which has the same color scheme anyway.
And some people just like pink, purple, and/or orange.

What’s the point of all this?

The point is actually very simple: divide and conquer, and keep the world population divided into as many tiny groups as possible.
Even those that so-called “call for unity” are part of divide and conquer, because they still manage to divide people into separate tribes.

And yes, both globalism and nationalism are part of the divide and conquer scam, basically “you’re either pro-1 world government or pro-independent national governments” type of scam, how about the “no government” option though?
Oh no, we can’t have that right?
Because to believers of both isms, if you want to have no government, then you’re put in line with Burn Loot Murder’s “autonimous zone”, which also was a total psyop exactly for this reason, to make people believe that everyone who wants to have a world without government is automatically a dangerous terrorist, which is a total lie.

Qanon and New Age religion

Basically, “just think of unicorns while you wait for a savior to come to the rescue, you just sit back and watch” type of scam.
Plus the additional thing the New Age religion brings is that it is designed to undermine spirituality and make it seem retarded.
Because as soon as a shift in contiousness happens (for which enough people is needed), the world will change in a matter of a few hours.
And no, I don’t mean things like black magic and the world suddenly goes from a destroyed city to an isekai-type of fantasy wonderland in a blink of an eye kind of bullshit, that’s not how contiousness works.
I mean that people start to realize that everything we were told is a lie, and start treating governments as illegit, and thus we all start to disobey them, which then results in them being rendered obsolete, and that’s the end of the whole concept of governments.

The biggest fear of governments is the people realizing they don’t need them.

Flat earth and germ theory

These 2 psyops are basically designed to undermine people speaking out against all the scams.
Also to make people argue over details that don’t matter at all.
If you don’t believe the earth is round, then you must believe the earth is flat.
And if you don’t believe the earth is flat, then you must believe the earth is round.
Meanwhile, literally everybody else doesn’t give a fuck!
But I guess that’s not a valid option in current year…

Same with the germ theory part; you either believe that all sicknesses exist, or you believe that no sicknesses exist.
Viruses don’t exist, but microorganisms do exist.
And it’s again not something that really matters while we’re in the middle of a raising worldwide tyranny.

Rage over events in faraway places

I didn’t list this one as a psyop, simply because they do this literally every single day since the invention of the press.
Basically, “don’t look here, look over there” type of scam.
Why the fuck do I as a Japanese in Japan have to look at the raising tyranny in Ausjailia, Kanaduh, and CHAINA!! while things aren’t really going too well over here either?
Sure, it’s terrible what the governments are doing in those 3 places, but have you considered looking at what they’re doing in the country you live under? Probably not!

Are the same people who outrage over Ausjailia and Kanaduh ever going to outrage over what happens in Japan? No.
Singapore? No.
India? No.
Saudi Arabia? No.
Iraq? No.
Somalia? No.
Europe? Maybe.

LGBT and feminazism

Consider this, while we’re in the middle of an alleged “pandemic” of a virus that doesn’t even exist, and lots of people got laid off because companies could no longer pay them without having their companies collapse, let’s focus on the rights of gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, lesbians, queers, furries, pedophiles, groomers, basically everything except for normal people, because fuck normal people!
I think that should say enough.
Feminazism is related, but I’d put them in a separate category, because that one specifically is all about discriminating men from soyciety (and actually, in a way it’s actually liberating to us men), all while making men lump all women into the same category and have both sexes hate each other just like how they used to do that with Muslims for 2 decades (and now they stopped simply because it no longer works).

Vaccine shedding and pandemic babies

Yes, I know the lethal injections are killing people and/or making people extremely sick (or nothing happens to the lucky few), those are very real things.
However, lots of bullshit got added to the mix to undermine the people who try to wake up people who might consider taking a lethal injection, and make them appear stupid, and thus not worth to listen to them.
Meanwhile, nobody has ever been able to prove vaccine shedding to even exist, neither they ever proved the spike protein to be real, or the pandemic babies, or the dancing chicken meat if you inject them.

The last one was pretty interesting, they were claiming how farmers were lethally injecting their chickens “just for fun”, and then they recorded meat just shaking.
While much of the (controlled) opposition was shitting their pants brown and yellow over it, I asked questions like “how the fuck did those farmers even get a hold of these injections in the first place?” or “why did you close up the shaking meat part and never showed the whole meat?”.

Nazi good

I actually took the time to watch the 10 parted documentary.
While I’m aware that the nazi’s weren’t as evil as everyone makes them out to be, and that the “allied forces” (capitalists teaming up with the communists only to then become each other’s worst enemies) were allegedly “the good guys”, quite a few things just didn’t feel right.
For example, they kept talking about how Hitler wanted to bring freedom to the world, while at the same time promoting statism, nationalism, and soycialism, and not a single word about the fact that freedom is an endless battle.
Also, why are we supposed to care about an event that happened way before almost all of us were even born?

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

You know that viruses don’t exist, then why the fuck do you need to take pills against a virus that doesn’t fucking exist!?
This is really something I keep asking whenever I see anyone of the controlled opposition pushing for one or both of these pills.
Just what’s even the point?
The point is to basically make you admit to the existance of viruses without explicitely saying that viruses “exist”.
Works really well it seems…


Nothing is more divisive than national/federal/prefectural/state/provincial/city/whatever (s)election.
All selections are already pre-decided before they’re even held, so don’t fall for the “vote politicians out” meme, it’s just a scam.
Like how Joseph Stallin put it, it doesn’t matter who votes, it only matters who counts the votes.
And every time there’s a selection, you get people hating everyone who votes for a different candidate or party than they do, even though all candidates or parties (at least, those who actually are allowed to “win”) are all the same anyway.
This is more true in western countries than elsewhere, since politics is considered much more as part of life there than it is elsewhere, which is what makes it the perfect divide and conquer technique.

I don’t care who’s boot is stamping on my face, I only care about whether a boot is stamping on my face or not.


There’s too many psyops I could explain as to why they’re all bullshit, but I only wanted to explain the (apparently) least obvious ones.
Those of you who read this blog (and you’re much smarter than most others as you’re actually able to find it) know that covAIDS, Monkeyfraud, and a few others are fake so well that they don’t need an explanation.
But to put it all in the most basic way possible, if it’s there to take your attention away and/or to make you hate other individuals or groups of people, it’s a psyop.