Snowden is controlled opposition?

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寮、 2022/05/18 — politics, technology

Something that had me on my mind for a while, but is Snowden possibly a controlled opposition?
I mean, his documents and revelations were authentic, and it did make the grey masses 0.33% (THE MAGIC 33!! FREEMASON CONFIRMED!!) and 5% of the more technical people more privacy aware (about 30% more think they are more privacy aware but they’re not, and the entire rest of them simply don’t give a fuck), but there are some flaws going on which is never seen with any of the genuine resistance people:

  • He appears on TV many times.
  • Politicians respond to his revelations.
  • The Eww creates new artificial “pro-privacy” “laws” that so far have brought 0 improvement, but yet people around the world give more props to the Eww (which is a New World Order organization just like the UN and WHO) than any national mafia, I mean government ever. And the Eww was set up to replace 28 (now 27) countries in Europe by 1 super state.
  • He fled to HONK KONK and then to Russia, yet nobody even tried to arrest him, and he could have been easily snatched in Russia considering his passport was rendered invalid at the airport, which got him stuck in the international zone, and therefore any government of the world could have easily stopped him at any random moment.
  • We know that their plan is to make people lose faith in national governments by 2025, then make the people overthrow them, and have them bag the UN one world government to come to the rescue. Snowden leaking the documents about a decade ago is a pretty good timing for that to happen using the “slow boil” method.

I’m not necessarily saying “don’t trust Snowden” with this, but rather “it might possibly be a trap”.