CBDCs will fail, privacy cryptocurrencies will win, part 2

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寮、 2022/04/01 — technology, money, cryptocurrency, politics

Whenever I bring up cryptocurrencies when talking to the gold-boomers, I’m being asked “If you view CBDCs as a total scam, then why do you trust crypto then? Isn’t that like a double standard? derp”

Ultimately, there are 3 types of non-physical currencies: slave currencies I mean CBDCs (digital yuan, digital dollar, digital euro, digital yen etc), cryptocurrencies (technically only Monero and Dero, because the rest is trash anyway), and scam coins (Squid Coin, Shiba Inu, Iron Fish, technically CBDCs too, but those already have a category).

As you’d expect, scam coins are run by scammers.
Cryptocurrencies are run by anonymous hackers (Monero and Bitcoin) and businesses (every other crypto).
And slave currencies, sorry I mean CBDCs are run by the New World Order, one world government, AI tyrannical control grid I mean smart grid system.

By holding currency, you’re siding with the side that controls it, and gold is no different considering you need to dox yourself in order to buy some.

But if I had to choose between siding with the scammers, the government, or anonymous hackers and the free market, the choice is very easy: anonymous hackers and the free market.
Because at least they don’t outright steal your money and/or attach conditions you have to obey to or else.