CBDCs will fail, privacy cryptocurrencies will win, part 1

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寮、 2022/03/29 — technology, money, cryptocurrency, politics

Back in 2020 just before the entire world lost their minds over an imaginary sickness, I made a prediction about economics for the whole decade (so until 2030) based on what I’ve observed throughout the previous decade.
Since the first part has come true so far, I’ll share with you my prediction.

But first the part what already came true

The ruling elites have realized that the fiat system is done (easily verifyable by just looking at how much everything costs between the great boomer era and now), so they will have to change to a different currency, but they know that they can’t just do it or the masses will just grill them alive.
So instead, they came up with “the deadliest pandemic of all time” (which by the way has already been in the making for decades, they already knew their end was coming) to cover their asses while basically developing a dystopian version of Bitcoin for each country (CBDC).

They injected literal poison into many people’s arms, and made insentives like “free pizza”, “free donuts” etc, and even used literal violence, all “for their own health”.

Once the “pandemic” magic wears off, people will no longer go along with it and start noticing inflatio…OH LOOK WHAT RASSHA IS DOING TO YOUKRAYJIN!! REEE!!

Meanwhile, the people in the west standing for their freedom on one hand and Russia being cancelled by the entire universe on the other hand have realized how retarded fiat is, and will start going into Bitcoin.
But then they and many long time Bitcoin brah’s realized that they have no privacy in Bitcoin at all, that their money can be niggerlisted at any random moment, and so will find anything to get their Bitcoin converted into Monero, Etherium into Dero, Dogecoin into Wownero, Litecoin into Pirate Chain, Chainlink into Equilibria, BAT Tokens into OXEN, Tether into Haven, and so on.
And maybe distribute their wealth over multiple of them, because privacy coins are currently pretty cheap.

Now comes what is yet to come

CBDCs come out while more eligible sheeple (the lethally injected) keep dying.
By the time CBDCs get launched, the few lethally injected that still remain alive for now will start using it, and quickly get redpilled by the fact they can’t spend shit with it, because they’ll notice that CBDCs are no money, but vouchers effectively.

While the real capitalists (small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and freelancers) have long switched to Monero (for retail) and Dero (for smart contracts), big corpoes, supermarkets, convenience stores, and the like will support only CBDCs out of fear that the government will intervene, but as they are getting near bankruptcy, they’ll start accepting Monero and other privacy coins.
They’ll realize that nobody uses CBDCs, and will just dump CBDCs as they no longer care about what the government has to say.

And so by 2025, the economy will great reset into a privacy crypto-based system as everyone has lost faith in the elites, and the elites will own nothing, and be unhappy.

CBDCs are just guaranteed to fail, even if at first it doesn’t seem so.

Simple trick on how to predict the future

In case you wonder how I can know what the elites are up to, it’s pretty simple: they always tell you well in advance what they’re up to.
You only need to pay well enough attention, and most people’s attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish, so of course most people don’t know in advance, and as we’re seeing in Europe, they’ll forget about the fact their very own governments have been literally destroying their lives the second they change over to the next psyop.