Paradise or dystopia, you're the one making either possible

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寮、 2022/09/19 — spirituality, politics, reality, government


This is actually a subject I’ve written about a couple of times before, but since articles tend to get old and all that, I decided to make another article about this, especially since readership has expanded (ASSuming from SNS followers and commenters), and they usually don’t tend to look at my older stuff.
Speaking of which, I just made a little section on the toppage displaying the most important subtags, so that it makes it easier for people to filter articles on tags.
In case you didn’t know, I always order my tags into “blog” (which is the mandatory tag for whatever reason, could as well just get rid of it) + big categories with the most important one first and the rest added in if relevant + mini-categories if it happens to be a recurring theme.

Also, this is my first attempt at making article thumbnails (and for this, I had to bend the knee and no longer have it XHTML1.1-only, as soycial media thumbnails require some HTML5 bloat).

Earlier today I was having some conversations on SNS, many of which basically sounded like they were echoing one of the controlled alt-media doom and gloomers.
While I don’t necessarily agreed with them, I just replied in a kind of comical way to make Doomsday end of the world seem a bit more lighthearted.

The thing is, as I explained before, the media doesn’t report on reality, reality reports on the media.
Basically, somebody with a narrative gives you their vision, you copy that vision into your subcontiousness and it becomes your vision.
Your mind creates the reality you and others around you then experience, which is why I stopped watching or reading the news, because recently I actually got to experience a period of time on how it is to not have access to any news at all for 10 days straight, and you have no idea how awesome this world has become, no tyranny anywhere.
Then I was paying attention to the news again because I went back to soycial media, and people just share their black pills with everybody else (which by the way is why I switched to the CLI application called “tut”, as at least I won’t see the images or videos of what they’re sharing unless I explicitely open them in sxiv or mpv respectively), and the world around me suddenly started feeling like it was going to end soon again.

In the case of today, I got “BUT MUH CHAINA!! TAKING OVER JAPEEEN!!” as a response to “want tech freedom? just use an old ThinkPad then” on the one hand, and “the entire world is done except for Americuck” (for whatever reason) on the other hand.
You thinking like that will actually make it happen.
As I said multiple times before, YOU are the power.
The news is designed to use your power to make the certain world they want reality.
Just screaming at other people to wake the fuck up isn’t going to do anything.
Instead, turn off TV and stop following the news completely, and if you have kids, pull them out of government indoctrination camps, I mean schools, and you’ll create paradise on earth.
If we all would have done that, then governments would have no power at all, and life on earth would be so great, you would wish to be alive forever.
That’s literally all it takes, very simple steps, yet way too many people can’t understand that, because they’re programmed into believing that you need to get people on your side like some kind of cult.
No, change comes from YOU and only YOU, no narrative pushing necessary!

Nothing is more liberating than the ability to think for yourself, even if others tell you your opinion is “wrong”.
There is no such a thing as a “wrong opinion” or “right opinion”, there’s only an “opinion”.
Saying that somebody has a “wrong opinion” is no different from saying somebody is conducting in “wrong think”, which by itself is quite dystopian if you think about it.

One thing I need to remind you once again, nothing on this blog is a fact, nothing on other people’s blogs is a fact, nothing on any website is a fact, nothing on any kind of media is a fact, every single bit of information is nothing more but a glorified opinion.
I don’t want you to agree or disagree with me, all I want is to show you that there is another way, and you can actually make a difference, no matter how insignificant you think you are.