The monkeypox scamdemic is a scam, already complete with damning evidence

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寮、 2022/05/27 — politics, psyop, covaids

In as early as November 2021, they have planned out the “monkeypox” scamdemic:

Page 12 includes a full schedule with exact dates, exact amount of cases, and exact about of deaths from between May 15 all the way to December 1.

Spreading this for awareness sake.
They failed to do a cyber scamdemic psyop and cause blackouts because too many people were aware.
They failed to initialize the aliens psyop because too many people were aware.
They had to cut both Ukraine and abortion psyops short, and also quit with the covAIDS psyop because too many people started getting aware and rightfully so declare it all a hoax.
Monkeypox is the current psyop, so if enough of us are aware, they’ll have no other choice but to cancel it (and move on to the next psyop).