After 2 and a half years of observation, covAIDS and the lethal injection were just a money making operation

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寮、 2022/06/28 — politics, psyop, covaids

Before you read this, this article should in no way be taken as fact, this is pure per observation by 2 random individuals.
Nobody knows what the real truth is, and so do we.

So like all other truthers, we’ve spent 2 and a half years looking at what’s actually going on with the covAIDS and the lethal injections.
And the parasites of the world know this very well, which is why they went from psyop to psyop in the mainstream media on the one hand, and from disinfo to disinfo in the alternative media on the other hand.
Yes, they work on both sides!
As a result, the believers of the former believe that the covAIDS is dangerous and the lethal injections are safe and effective, while the believers of the latter believe that the covAIDS either is mild or doesn’t exist at all and the lethal injections are going to kill you.
However, after spending months travelling around Japan, and loli frog spending her last few months travelling around Europe, I’d rather say the real truth is somewhere in the middle (not disclosing her current location for safety reasons, so she might be already back in Japan, or still somewhere in Europe, or somewhere in Asia, I don’t even know).
Both of us used this opportunity to disgard literally everything about the scamdemic we’ve seen and heard over the past 2 and a half years, avoid any source of information, and only trust our surroundings and stories by the people themselves (both pure bloods and lethally injected, we heard everybody out with an open mind).
What we both noticed might shock you, because we both came to the conclusion that neither side has the real truth.

covAIDS is a legend

By now, we all know that the virus doesn’t actually exist, this was purely a scare tactic to make people take the lethal injection, because otherwise nobody would take it.
This is not an operation unique to the 2020s, they are doing this once every decade, with some smaller scamdemics once every 2 years, they just come up with other names every single time.
Also, would you ever take health advise from people who either weight more than 2 whale on top of each other, or look like zombies already dead?

Lethal injections is a tool

The lethal injections, unlike what most truthers agree on, is not actually designed to kill off the masses, it’s designed to make you so sick (or otherwise so volunerable to sickness) that you’ll make yourself dependent on the medical system for the rest of your life.
Yes, there are people dying in great quantities, but this is because the sicknesses these lethal injections are creating can be so fatal, their bodies just can’t handle it, and end up dying as a result of that.
This is why the most deaths appear to be in North America, Europe, and among atheletes.
Both North America and Europe have a massive obesity rate, combined with very unhealthy GMO-modified diets, and obese people have weaker immune systems than others, so it makes perfect sense that they’re the ones dying out faster than everybody else.
Atheletes on the other hand are very healthy, but their bodies go through a lot on a daily basis.
All this excessive workouts puts quite a toll on their bodies, so they too are more likely to die than your average programmer, where most of the body resources are being centralized into the fingers, eyes, and brain, rather than the entire body.

Everyone who’s injected has health problems

Both Japan and Europe have one thing in common: those who are lethally injected all have health problems.
People in smaller communities (where everyone knows each other) always tend to have neighbors who are pure bloods among those who got injected at least once.
One consistent pattern they all noticed across both continents is that the lethally injected are all suffering from extreme illness on a very long term basis, while the pure bloods are all doing fine.

The real objective is not a mass genocide, it’s money

If you’re waiting for a mass die off, forget about it.
That event is not going to happen, because as I said above, death is not the purpose of injecting people, death is merely a side product for those with weaker (or exhaused) bodies.

I hear you asking, “But Ryo-chan, how are they going to make any money on something they not only give away for free, they even pay you (think donuts, pizza, discount in stores etc) to take it?”.
The answer has 2 parts.
The first part is the stocks in Phizer and Moderna, these went through the roof throughout 2021.
The second part is the fact that those who took the lethal injections are getting so sick, they’re becoming completely dependent on the medical system for the rest of their lives, which costs lots of money (if you’re insured, you won’t notice as much, because then your medical care gets paid collectively by the tax slaves), this is why medical insurance is mandatory in so many countries by the way.
That’s when the money machine really starts to roll.
This is why they went full blown tyranny over the past 2 years; to make you lose hope and take the lethal injection in the false hope to go back to normal.
This is why they finally open up the world again; so many people got injected already, it’s just no longer necessary to keep things shut down, as now the money will flow into the system no matter what (maybe that’s what Qanon meant with “nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing”?).
And those of us who never took the lethal injection are not going to take it anyway, so while some countries are still trying (like Kanada, Ausjailia, New Xiland, France, and CHAINA!!), many others realized that it’s just not worth it to squeeze another 10% into compliance.

They might perhaps try again during autumn, so best to keep this possibility open.
Awareness is everything, if too many people are expecting them to do something, they won’t.