Islam is right about halal meat

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寮、 2022/08/12 — religion, nature, spirituality, health

I have actually travelled to Muslim countries before, and I always got pleasantly surprised about how fresh the meat is over there.
This is because of Islam’s strict diet of halal meat.

What is halal?

The whole point of halal meat is that you’re getting 100% organic meat, so no lethal injections, no antibiotica, no other pharma junkware, no GMO, no nothing.
You kill them by just cutting their neck or some shit, basically like how animals do to one other.
I remember going to an open air bazaar in Morocco, there were 3 chickens still alive on a table.
So the customer picks the chicken he wants, and the merchent immediately cuts its head off.
Sure, it looks pretty cruel, but at least you know for sure you’re eating actually healthy meat.
Plus that animal is dead by the time it gets served for dinner anyway, so the animal doesn’t give a fuck about how it got killed.

Environmentalists’s double speak

The funniest part in this whole halal discussion are the environMENTALists.
Trying to reason with them is like trying to reason with a zombie.

“But the animal suffers pain”

Again, the animal doesn’t care, it’s already dead.
If you’d keep the animal alive, then that would have been different.
But in this case you literally kill the animal, it suffers no pain post-death.
Also, its soul is infinite and still alive, by killing it you actually liberated it from its suffering.

Also, the whole environment issue

The same people who want to “save the animals” are also the ones who believe that “the earth is too overpopulated”.
We eat animals to solve the overpopulation problem.
And it’s not humans that are overpopulating the earth.
In fact, if you just look at the drop of sperm count, the damage the covAIDS lethal injections have done so far, how much space there is available, and so on, you’d rather be saying that the earth is underpopulated.

If the world was overpopulated, there would have been no space to sit on in both urban and rural areas.
But there’s plenty of space available, and yes I mean even including places like New Delhi, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo!

Also, the pollution issue

By eating meat you only help fight pollution.
The meat wastes space, animals eat other animals’ dead meat exactly for the purpose of making space for new life to arrive.
Life and death is a balance of life.

So if you care about your health so much, go for halal meat.
It’s perfectly OK to eat it even if you’re not a Muslim.
All the claims against it are backwards anyway.