I hate puritans

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寮、 2022/07/11 — entertainment, lolicon, censorship

Yes, you heard me right, left wing wokies are not the only ones I hate, I equally hate the right wing puritans.
In fact, there’s no difference between the 2 when it comes to artwork.

Just look at this, it’s so cute!

At least, us libertarian right (the anarchists) people will find this cute.
According to the authoritarian right (so the puritans), this is either degeneracy, or pedophile, or both, and therefore you should be jailed for looking at it.
Because they have no idea how to distinguish fiction from reality, or 2D from 3D (or 2D from 5D if you’re talking about the New Age/Qanon believers).

According to the libertarian left (the trannies), this is (somehow) transphobia, and therefore should be censored (to the point not a single pixel of the art can be seen).
And according to the authoritarian left (the communists/fascists), this is either racist or sexist or misogeny or transphobia or covAIDS/climatechange/whatever denialism or white supremacy or whatever else comes out from their random victim word generator, and therefore needs to be cancelled.

The Anglosphere (especially Americucks and Ausjailians) is singlehandedly responsible for censorship.
Lolicon is ALWAYS the first victim of censorship, we’ve seen this on every single big tech platform, alt tech platform, and even westerner-owned Fediverse instance (except ones owned by libertarians).
And censorship is the cancer that keeps on growing and spreading into all other things, which is why I’m in full support of initiatives like Onionket which is basically the free market version of Comiket, and at 076 we’re already developing a freedom version of Pixiv and Nico Nico Douga, more about these coming soon.
So the battle against censorship is being faught, and we really need your help, because we can’t do it alone.
You can help us in this battle by donating with Monero and supporting individual creators during Onionket using their preferred payment methods.
Beneath this page you’ll find my Monero address, if you write a comment saying it’s for fighting censorship, I’ll immediately forward half of this to 076, and save up the other half to donate to creators during Onionket (if they support Monero though).