I'm for death penalty, here's why

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寮、 2022/08/19 — politics, anarchy

Just a quick announcement, but this is my last blog post for this entire week.
I have some deadlines to make, so I’ll take a week off from both blog posting and soycial media from the 21st of August to the 28th of August.
So if you won’t see me online anywhere, this is why.

I hear you thinking, “but Ryo-chan, weren’t you an anarchist? Why do you support a government structure?”.
I don’t support government structures, but in a world where there is a government, and we have to choose between abolishing death penalty or not, I’d chose to NOT abolish it.

In a government-less society, we’d have guns for self defence purposes.
If a burgler breaks into your house, and you shoot them down, it’s not ASSault, it’s self defence as long as it happens inside your own private property.
If you can’t shoot them down, you have to call the cops, hope the burgler doesn’t notice, and by the time the cops show up, the burgler is already gone, and they won’t even try to find them.
This is why I’m pro-gun by the way.

Now that’s out of the way, the closest to shooting the criminal down would be the death PENALty.
Consider this, somebody gets thrown to jail, and immediately gets a criminal record.
Getting a job without a criminal record is already difficult enough, with one it’s almost impossible.
Opening a bank account or credit card is impossible because criminal record.
Getting a car or a shelter is impossible because criminal record.
So if you can’t live your life the normal way, the only alternative will be to resort to criminality, bank robbery, stealing food, stealing cars, breaking into houses to sleep in, prostitution, and everything, which will get you to jail again.
On the other hand, if you get the death PENALty, you’re liberated from the ethernal suffering once you’re released.

This is why I think the Eww really fucked up at banning the death PENALty.
The only 2 first world (I mean on paper, not in practise) countries in the world that still have the death PENALty are the USSA and Japan.