How psyops really work

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寮、 2022/05/29 — blog, politics, psyop

The only person who truly has power is you, and only you.
Psyops are all designed to make you believe that you don’t, and make you redirecting your power to someone else instead.
That’s one pattern which you can keep in mind if you want to distinguish psyops from reality.

Fear-based and emotion-based (hereafter referred to as just “fear-based”, since it’s the same thing anyway) psyops

Meant to transfer your power to someone else to save your own life (even when they tell you it’s to save somebody else’s life).
Examples of fear-based psyops:

  • The mainstream media, telling you how the world is on fire all the time because illnesses, terrorists, wars, ismphobia, or climate change.
  • Channels like RT and Sputnik, telling you basically the same things as above, except that instead of blaming the Russians, they’re blaming the west.
  • Political debates, it’s basically fear theater from all sides, no exception.
  • Big names like Alex Jones, David Icke, and Joe Rogan, telling you how the deep state globalists have already taken over the world, and are out there to kill you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  • MAG Bitter Truth, telling you how we’re living in the end of times, therefore there’s no way we can restore freedom and peace to the world at all.
  • Joseph Paul Whatson, telling you how the world is already done for.

Hope-based psyops

Meant for those who don’t trust the fear-based or anger-based ones anymore, and are meant to transfer your power to someone else who can fix the problems for you.
Examples of hope-based psyops:

  • Qanon (or Q in case they get mad again), telling you “hold the line, Trump is going to save your ass”.
  • Religions (all of them), telling you that their main character is going to save the world.
  • Operation Trust, same as Qanon, except 100 years ago in Russia, with the savior being some anti-USSR figure in the government at that time.
  • Adolf Hitler, telling “if we get rid of the Jews, we’re free”.
  • Mao, same as Hitler, but in China, and with the nationalists being the target instead of the Jews.

Anger-based psyops

Meant for those who need a boogiemen to redirect their own mistakes on to, and basically tell you that some outsider is taking over, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Examples of anger-based psyops:


Try the following exercise:
Instead of saying “I want to be”, say “I am”, but of course within the realms of possibility.
For example, if you’ve been saying “I want to become a game developer” for a very long time, did you ever advance?
Now try saying “I am a game developer” instead, and legit imagine yourself to be a game developer, look at how much you’ll start playing around with game engines, what you’ll do to train yourself into becoming a game developer, and how long it takes before you actually start working as one.

By saying “I want to become a game developer”, you’re basically admitting that you’re not a game developer, and will not even start learning game development.
Your mindset will mirror reality, because reality is a mirror of your mind.