Governments are all criminals, and authoritarians and law/order followers are their slaves

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寮、 2022/10/01 — politics, censorship, anarchy, society, government, tyranny


OK authortarians, just prepare your angry comments to lash out on to me which I’ll just ignore.
Just file reports to the hosting provider who will just dismiss all of it as spam.
Just send in the cops in advance to the address they can’t figure out.
Just give me any reason to become a darknet-only blog again.
Or just click away and continue living in your little pod, eating ze bugs, owning nothing, and being “““happy”””.
Because this article is going to very controversial for most slaves, I mean people.

With the little disclaimer out of the way, I will now address the elephant in the room, the very reason why the world is in such a mess it is in today.
The cause is, your compliance.

“Ryo-kun, give me the easy solution so I don’t have to do anything and continue to be a slave and contribute to creating hell on earth”

Wait wait wait, Ryo-kun, didn’t the title say that it’s the governments, authoritarians, and law/order followers that are at fault here?
Yes, and they only have power because of your compliance.
And while everyone goes to the easiest target possible to shift the blame on to (usually the Jews or the Jesuits or the Freemasons or the AI……), you, yes you right there, you complying with their bullshit is what makes all this shit possible in the first place!
But Ryo-kun, I don’t know how to disobey, here’s my Monero, please send me newsletters which I won’t read anyway.
I don’t send out newsletters, I don’t do subscriptions, I don’t do ads, I only do donations because I believe that people who like what I say will voluntarily send me some Monero (currently still 0 XMR received to this day though).

The key to freedom is non-compliance

The way to stop all this bullshit, the scamdemics, the genocides/democides, the food shortages, the wars, the taxes, the slavery and surveillance in general, is to say no to all of that, consider the governments to be illegit (don’t replace them by voting, seriously it’s pointless!), stop following all those illegal “laws” that governments create, and live life as life is intended.
If we’d all just do that, we’d be free in a matter of hours.

But then you get the authoritarians, those who blindly follow all the so-called “laws” and orders, who then immediately fearmonger that if we remove government, we’ll be taken over by warlords.
Fucking bullshit!
The governments ARE the warlords, wake the fuck up already!

Or people who are constantly dooming and glooming like “Japan is finished”, “we are being taken over by the Chinese”, and all that.
Do realize that no matter how much you spam the internet with blackpills, as long as you continue paying all the extortion I mean taxes, trusting governments, voting in selections, and so on, enslavement continues to progress.

Laws are illegal

All laws that aren’t natural law, which is nothing more than just “don’t do harm to others, respect others, and be yourself”, is illegal.
“Laws” made up by governments is nothing more but bullshit on paper, they only have effect because of your compliance.
Stop complying with your own slavery, and this bullshit on paper has no effect at all.
See those so-called “laws” made up by governments as basically weightless ball and chain, because that’s what they really are.
All there to stop you from being yourself and living your life.

Government is a terrorist organization

I always said that governments are a criminal organization, but seeing the lethal injection damage happening literally around me, people with Bells Palsy in trains, old men on bicycles shaking like a distorted TV signal, employees of clients I have projects at being hospitalized one after the other, some of them even dying while in hospital, I actually decided to upgrade my terminology.
Governments are all terrorist organizations, yes, all of them!
They’re all responsible for all the mass democide (death by government) happening all over the world at the same time.
Of course it’s the people doing it to themselves, but it’s the governments brainwashing them into doing such things.
To kill innocent people, you don’t need fire weapons, you need misinformation and propaganda which all governments at the same time have spread, and then they blame people like you and me for spreading it.
No, they did that, they’re all in “it wasn’t me, it was that other nigger over there” mode!

YOU are the power is not a catchphrase

I say YOU are the power quite a lot, especially when I make politics or spirituality related articles.
This is not just a catchphrase, you really are the power.
If you comply, you turn the world into hell, if you disobey, you turn the world into a paradise.
You are the cause of the problems, at the same time you are the solution to those very problems, all depends on your action.
No amount of voting, waiting for Q, getting Trump reinstalled, subscribing to newsletters, paying others to fix the problem for you, financing a Jewish alternative media outlet that proudly kills Palestinians in Gaza, blaming on the Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/whatever, and so on will fix any problems.
The only thing that fixes all the problems is you not complying with your own enslavement.

This is why I’m an anarchist and proud to be one.
Of course just me saying no out of the 120 million people nationwide won’t makes government go away, at least 70% of the entire group of islands have to say no.
This is true for all countries by the way, not only Japan.

If you just wake up, you’ll be angry, this is normal

If you just wake up to the fact that non-compliance is the only real way out, you’ll probably get really angry.
Don’t you worry about that, I’ve been at this stage too, everyone goes through it when they wake up.
Allow yourself to be angry for a while, just don’t take the easy way out and go back to sleep again.

When I say awake people, I don’t mean those who kind of know what’s going on, but then resort to voting, paying taxes, believing that there’s a good politician or party that will save them, those people are still completely asleep.
I’m also not talking about thugs like Antifa, BLM, or KKK, those are the most asleep and braindead motherfuckers that have ever existed.
They’re not anarchists, they’re fascists (aka, archists).

Anarchy = without a ruler

The word “anarchy” comes from 2 Ancient Greek words: “an” and “archy”.
Yes, this is literally all what it means.
All this stuff like flags (black/red, black/blue, black/yellow, black/green, black/orange, black/pink, and so on), the symbolisms (usually an A in a circle), all the economics stuff, all the LGBTQFKLDJDAHSHHFDHSIDSUALLAHUAKBAR, all the technology stuff, all the free speech stuff, and everything else are all just extra’s added on by either the cultish people, or government agents to discredit anarchists, or people seeking for freedom and see their own hobbies being endangered in the process.

A kind of angry blog post this time, but sometimes it’s needed to hopefully make it clear how ridiculous the current state of the world is in, and point the finger at the root of the problem, which also tends to be where it hurts the most.
The point is, you can break the chains anytime you want, you just have to break your own chains, because nobody else will break the chains for you.