Exposing government hypocricy, part 1 of way too many to come

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寮、 2022/03/29 — blog, money, cryptocurrency, politics

Fuck the government for their attempt to turn crypto into police state bank accounts, and fuck Coinbase for bending the knee to them once again.

If money laundering is really such a big problem that needs to be banned, then how about we ban the use of fiat currencies (yens, dollars, euros, rubles, yuans, wons, ruppees…)?
How about we ban throwing endless amounts of worthless currencies (fiat) into the blackhole that’s Ukraine?
How about we ban the possibility to bomb and completely destroy, sorry I mean spreading freedom and DEMONcracy in the Middle East?
How about we disband all governments, the UN, the EU, and the rest of the unnecessary bloat?

Those are the real money laundering enabling stuff, crypto is just a VEEEEEEERY minor factor in comparison.