Europeans, don't drop your guards, and look at 上海

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寮、 2022/04/21 — blog, politics

Every single European I’m talking with are talking with pride on how nobody cares about covAIDS anymore over there.

Guys, pay attention to what’s happening in CHAINA!!, every time something happens there and the western politicians go “REEE!! LOOK AT WHAT CHAINA IS DOING!! MUH HIUMUN LAITS BAIOLEESHONSS!!”, they’re in the process of preparing to do the same themselves, but 20 times worse.

Keep exposing these motherfuckers en mass to prevent it from happening, or you’ll get a Shanghai in a western city near you this autumn.
Mass exposure works, we’ve already prevented blackouts and fake alien invasion from happening, because too many people are expecting these.
But continue to expose those even after they gave up on it, because if they give up on something now, nothing is stopping them from trying again at a later time.