Define "semite"

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寮、 2022/05/09 — blog, politics, religion

Define “semite”:
1a: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs

1b: a descendant of these peoples

2: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language

If “anti-semite” specifically means “racism against the Jews”,

  1. ASSuming 1A, wouldn’t that make it mean “racism against Arabs” and other ancient civils in that region too? Wouldn’t that mean that Arabs are basically against themselves?
  2. ASSuming 1b, wouldn’t that mean it means “racism against pretty much anyone”?
  3. ASSuming 2, wouldn’t that mean that you’re racist towards multiple groups of native speakers rather than a skin color (and therefore it being NOT racism)?