Communism is NOT Anarchy, explained

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寮、 2022/07/17 — blog, politics

I just saw this video, and I think he’s spot on.
Now that there’s a documentary on HBO called “The Anarchists”, so many communists calling themselves “anarcho-communists” are absolutely butthurt.
On the one hand they’re correct when they say that money (or rather fiat “money” like yen, dollar, euro, and so on) is a way of enslaving everyone, but where they fall flat on their face is when they go like “therefore, we need to go the most extreme opposite of money, which is communism”, while not realizing that under communism there’s also money.
In fact, CHAINA!! at one point even had to resort to money because they couldn’t otherwise continue their communist regime.
I’ll explain why anarchy is not communism, and what anarchy really means, but I will first refute some myths about anarcho-capitalism.

Refuting the myths of anarcho-capitalism

Many AnComs believe that AnCaps = cryptobro’s.
Well, no, there are AnCaps that don’t like crypto too, they’re more about gold and silver.
The whole point about AnCaps is not to turn the world into a business or some shit.
Money is what enslaves all of us, we AnCaps fully understand that.
The whole point about crypto and/or metals is that those are instruments that allow us to have money that’s NOT part of the whole Jewish bankster control system.
On the other hand, I’ve seen AnComs websites that have Monero and Bitcoin donation addresses on them, so there are people on that side that also understand we need free (as in freedom) money.
I’ve also seen AnComs websites that put up their entire bank account details instead, so those aren’t as smart.
And no, AnCaps don’t believe in a hierarchy.

There’s the argument that AnCaps believe in private property, but this is not necessarily because of capitalism, this is simply because if there’s no hierarchy, there’s no state, and if there’s no state, there’s no public property.
So under anarchy, everything is private by default.
I really can’t see why an anarchist should be against private property anyway, because if you can’t just say “this piece of land is unclaimed, so I want to settle here” and “this piece of land is already claimed, so I’ll respect that”, but instead you can only say the opposite of the latter one, then you’re basically fascist.

I already hear you saying, “but under capitalism you have a lower class, middle class, and upper class, how is this anarchist?”.
This is basically you being paid based on skills, experience, customer base, and individual success.
It’s a hierarchy, but this is a hierarchy of success on an individual level, not hierarchy of control and power on a collective level, a very important difference.
Being upper class doesn’t affect other people’s lives, being a ruling politician does.
Maybe it does affect you if you’re some jealous motherfucker, in that case the solution is simple: work on yourself, and get good at what you (want to) do!

What does anarchy REALLY mean

I originally wanted to save this for last, but I figured that if I did, many people would have already ragequitted before I’ve said the most important part.
All anarchy means is the absence of a ruler, we don’t believe in a hierarchy, and that’s literally it!
No ruler = no hierarchy = freedom.

But what commies sitting in their parent’s house all day, or on their MacBooks at Starbucks (which by the way is all possible thanks to capitalism) do is they’re adding lots of irrelevant stuff to the mix that has nothing to do with anarchy, and call that “anarchy”.
Things like environmentalism, hate towards straight white men, victimism, so-called “anti fascism” (which in fact is pure fascism), violence (“smash this, destoy that, take this down, burn that down etc”), veganism, feminazism, abortion, chopping your dick or tits off, activism, and literally none of that has anything to do with anarchy, most of it has more to do with hate (and being stupid enough to trust the government in the case of climate change and veganism).
Unlike the AnComs, us AnCaps don’t add irrelevant stuff in other than the focus of taking down the entire control grid which is based around fiat “money” (which really isn’t money at all) by setting up a parallel economy without controllers, because centrally controlled “money” is really the root cause of tyranny in the first place.

Why communism and anarchy are mutually incompatible

I already explained what anarchy is about, but for those of you who skipped to this part, I’ll give you a cliff notes version: anarchy is no government, anarchy is no hierarchy, and nothing else.
Communism on the other hand is a massive 1 party government that has power over literally everything and everyone, and the power comes by force, coersion, and violence.
So anarcho-communism makes as much sense as being a meat eating vegan.
Vegans are people who don’t eat anything that’s coming from an animal, eating meat completely defeats this purpose.
Likewise, anarchists believe in no ruler, having a gigantic government infiltrating your entire life wherever you go defeats this purpose.

While true communism has been tried before in half of the world over the past 100 years (and failed every single time), true anarchy has never been tried before, at least not during the known history of the world.
In order to enable communism, you dogmatically obey the government.
In order to enable anarchy, you ignore the government like if it doesn’t exist.
After all, what the government calls “the law” is nothing but a bunch of words on a piece of paper, and they only have effect if you comply with those.
If the civilians don’t comply with these words on paper, then they have no effect at all.
So the solution is extremely simple, yet nobody wants to do this, because they’re too afraid of the gestapo I mean police, and tyrant guards I mean courts and judges.
Once you get this whole concept of police and courts out of your head, it’s going to be simple.