Sorry anarcho-communists, but "anarcho-communism" is impossible

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寮、 2022/03/28 — blog, politics

I’m sure I will make lots of enemies with this post, but when people ask me why I choose to be anarcho-capitalist instead of anarcho-communist while agreeing that “blockchain is the magic solution to everything” is a bunch of BS, here’s why:

The reality of communism

Communism is a centrally planned form of economy, controlled by 1 massive 1 party government.
If they knock on your door and tell you “you WILL work in the mine”, there is no such a thing as saying “no thanks”, or you’ll end up in a gulag.
The whole point of anarchy is to have no government at all.
Therefore, “anarcho-communism” is pure fantasy invented by young zealots who never had to live under communism before, so it’s like saying “motherboard-less computer”, or “TV with no video and audio”.

Why capitalism and anarchy can go together

Capitalism on the other hand doesn’t require a government, since the economy is decentrally controlled by the free market.
A government can come into existence in a free market economy, because a government is in fact a corporation on its own too.
And if the free market lacks the balls to reject centralization, it’ll degenerate into socialism, and ultimately into communism, until the people break their chains again and go back into capitalism again.

Western capitalism = soycialism

“Capitalism” in the west is only “capitalist” on paper, in reality it’s soycialist and in some countries or states it’s even communist already.
So while capitalism has its flaws, it’s by far the lesser evil.

Under capitalism, communism can be prevented.
Under communism, capitalism is inevitable.

DEMONcracy is a scam

No, democracy (DEMONcracy) is NOT a good system.
Democracy is 2 wolfs and 1 sheep deciding what’s for dinner.
In reality, democracy is mob rule, it can only work in an intelligent society, not one filled with complete retards who can easily be manipulated into giving up freedom and skill in favor for the illusion of security and comfort (which in the end means they get none of that).

Blockchain does NOT equal decentralization

As for blockchain, sure it’s great for money as you can’t just manipulate the flow of money (on Bitcoin and Monero networks only, the rest needs to die), but we don’t need to fall for the “blockchain is decentralization” meme, because 99% of the time it just isn’t.
Don’t even get me started on NFT’s, the 2nd biggest scam of all times (the biggest scam of all times is still DMCA).

As for capitalism, I don’t believe we need more big corpo’s.
In fact, I believe a healthy form of capitalism consists of small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and freelancers.
This form is more robust against centralization too.

Voting is a scam

As for voting, voting is just a suggestion box for slaves.
Results are already decided long before voting even starts, and all candidates are basically the same anyway.
All you the slave can do is choose in what way your master should control you.
Do you want brown diarhea or a rainbow colored diarhea for dinner?
In the end you’ll still be eating diarhea, but you’ll get offered the illusion of difference.

Define money

As for money, the irony of young western commies is that they are against the existence of money, while still believing you should trade physical goods.
What they never seem to realize is, in a world with no money (in the sense of cash, crypto, coins etc), physical goods = money.

Imagine you being a vegetable farmer, and you really want to get yourself a delicious steak for dinner.
There’s a beef farmer 2 streets away from you, and he wants to have a good plate of veggies with his beef, so since beef is far more scarce than most veggies, you can agree to exchange your bag of rice, carrots, and onions for his meat.
If you want to get bigger meat, you might want to give him some tomatoes so that the beef farmer can make himself some ketchup.
In this sense, vegetables and beef is effectively money.

If you happen to live in a big city, you can agree to get bread at the local bakery in return for a website you can design for that bakery.
So here bread and website is money.

The Greek even temporarily used paper ballots as money during their banking crisis in 2008.
Eastern Europe did a similar thing at the near end of the Soyviet Union.
And during that same time, since the USSR had absolutely worthless currency, PepsiCo traded coke for vodka, and thus coke and vodka was the money they used with each other.