Capitalism weakens civilizations

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寮、 2022/09/10 — blog, economics, society

Readers of this blog know that I’m an anarcho-capitalist, or voluntarianist, or libertarian, or a freedom lover (however you want to call it, they’re all synonymous anyway) + free software advocate (which is more common among the AnComs, but this and piracy are the 2 things they do right).
However, if there’s a flaw in the phylosophies I believe in, I will point them out.
In this case, it’s how capitalism weakens civilizations.

And it’s pretty funny too, because communism is created by weak men and destroyed by strong men, while capitalism is created by strong men and destroyed by weak men.
To understand this, you’ll need to understand the cycle of civilizations.
Some recommended reads would be Hidden Dominion (1, 2), and the books The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler.
As well as video channels like Black Pigeon Speaks who is specialized at the raise and fall of civilizations.

This is a pretty accurate representation of such cycle.
Let’s start with bondage, clearly that’s communism in its truest form, the people are still weak, but living conditions get so bad that they start breaking free step by step.
That’s when the civilization starts from anarchy, then they’ll find unity through faith, usually spiritual, but other types of soycietal glues are possible, which brings courage, then ultimately they break free, and there’s a time of no government, which brings liberty.
While there’s no government yet, the civilization is in a state of anarcho-capitalism, doing business with one other the way it’s supposed to be.

Then the people get retarded and decide to set up just a small government, just “to keep shit fair”.
However, it’s still capitalist, it’s just no longer anarchy.
This leads to abundance, people get weaker because they no longer have to fight for freedom, as freedom is taken for granted, so the focus is now on commerce instead.
Then capitalism becomes greed, and selfishness kicks in.
At this point commerce is no longer about making good products, it’s about earning as much as possible, no matter how sneaky.
At this point anarcho-communism kicks in, the compacensy, and with that the raise of entitled, whining bitches, which we today know as soycial “““justice””” warriors, or trannies, or rainbow terrorists (LGBT), or simply attention whores (they’re all synonymous), they’ll use all the products made under capitalism complaining about how much capitalism sucks until capitalists bend the knee.
And most will, because the capitalists have been pussified by the time the AnComs take over civilization.
As the cancer keeps on growing, and the troons having their way gets normalized, we get apathy.
Nobody wants to take responsibility anymore, because taking responsibility will get you canceled.
Hell, Linus Torvalds was even considered “mentally ill” for putting his foot down against mentally ill people and being pro-merit.
A fate that actually got Richard Stallman canceled for a year, and it’s truly a blessing he got resurrected again, which is pretty rare for those who already got canceled.

Because people are so apathetic, proper communism kicks in, everything gets centralized, the people are made dependent on the state, and the people are basically prisoners of the very area of the earth they have built up on, and thus the people are back at bondage again.

Some homework for you is to take a look at the civilization you’re living under, and see at which stage of the cycle you’re currently in.
If I had to rate, I’d say CHAINA!! is in bondage, Europe, Kanaduh, Ausjailia, New Xiland, and Airstrip One are in dependence (and perhaps the 4th Reich and France can technically be considered in bondage even), Americuck is in apathy, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the gulf region of the Middle East are in selfishness, and much of the rest of the world is somewhere between abundance and complacency.
Honk Konk is a bit of a special case, as they got wrapped from abundance straight to bondage now that CHAINA!! fully took them over and broke their promise to leave Honk Konk the fuck alone until 2037.

What is your ANALagy?
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Also, tomorrow is teLOLIst day (9/11), so have a great teLOLIst day in advance.