Todon, the fascist and authoritarian “anti-fascist and anti-authoritarian” instance

I came across this instance after I found a totalitarian FediBlock-like niggerlist for PeerTube, managed by the very exclusive PeerTube_Isolation, and then followed a repost made by equally exclusive IsolateGab.
Reading their conversation, both of them clearly have no idea that they’re pro-censorship, with IsolateGab going even full drunk-mode by saying that “Federation is not a right” and that “freedom of ASSociation for instance owners is a key freedom”, aka “it’s not censorship if I censor”.

Instance description

While I can’t find the actual page itself, the instance description is written in the sidebar on the right (oh oh, right!? REEEECIST!!). is a radical leftist anti-authoritarian Mastodon server.

Already a very conflicting statement.
Leftists and rightists are both as pro-authoritarian as it can get, making it “radical” is even more authoritarian then.

We welcome anarchists,

Yay, I’m welcome!!

socialists, activists, the LGBTQIA+ community, environmentalists,

Damn, I’m not welcome here…


Translation: the super racists.


Translation: ultra fascists.




What the fuck does that even mean?


I really feel discriminated at this point…

pirates, human rights activists, etc.

So you let me in now?

As far as they are radical, leftist ánd anti-authoritarian.

So you won’t let me in, got it…
Also nice to know you’re excluding pretty much the entire world.

Terms of Service

Found here:

These Terms of Service are only valid for If you can’t agree with the conditions below, you can still use Mastodon, but you should use another server with different conditions. Or you can deploy your own server, where you can make your own rules.

Fair enough.
At least this means you’ll let other instances have their own rules, which is good.

During registration you have to pick a username. This username can’t be changed later, so make sure it is the right one. If you are in doubt if your username is suitable, read our rules below first.

WHAAAAAAT?? I HAVE to pick a username!? What kind of authoritarianism is this!?
Nah, just kidding, it’s normal.

After you sign up, you have to verify your email address. Check your spam folder if you didn’t receive a verification email.

The default for most (insecure) websoytes.

We have to adhere to German, Dutch and European law. Leading for us however is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Aka, you will listen to multiple totalitarian regimes at the same time, and our rules are in line with them.
You sure you’re anti-authoritarian, anti-fascist, and pro-anarchist though?
At least you’re pro-soycialist and pro-rainbow terrorist, that’s for sure.

You are personally fully responsible and accountable for what you publish on Without any exception, whether you use a pseudonym/alias or not. In other words: we from, and the Mastodon Project in general are completely not responsible and accountable for what you publish, in any form whatsoever.


We do not accept (among other things),

Weren’t you supposed to be not fully responsible and accountable for what others publish though?

・Racism (in all its forms):
  ・Definition: Any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race [as a social construct], color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life [incl. e.g. islamophobia, antisemitism, apartheid and casteism].
   (based on article 1 of the ‘International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination’)
・Homophobia, biphobia and such.
・Transphobia, nbphobia and such.
・Sexism and misogyny.
・and other forms of discrimination not mentioned here.
・Hate speech.
・(sexual) Abuse of minors, adults and animals (also not virtual).
・Discipline, dominance and submission in BDSM [local only]:
・Explanation: We are an anti-authoritarian Mastodon server. Therefore many people on here are not happy with authoritarian topics like discipline, dominance and submission. We especially don’t want it on our local timeline and we also don’t want to give it a platform. This doesn’t mean you can’t follow, boost or like this kind of content, but please don’t post it locally. Remember that this is not about all of BDSM.
・Glorification of violence, calls for murder, death threats and terrorism.
  ・Explanation: We don’t accept any form of nationalism of nation states. Regional nationalism (think about regional or ethnic self-determination and independence movements) is allowed, only without feeling superior than, or discriminating against, other regions, countries or people.
・Colonialism and imperialism in all its forms (incl. Zionism).
・Right-wing populism, and right-wing and religious extremism.
・Evangelisation and other forms of religious propaganda [local only].
・Extreme sects and cults.
・Marxist-Leninists, Stalinists, Maoists or other followers of extreme authoritarian (so called) communist/socialist ideologies/regimes (aka tankies).
・Capitalists, including so called ‘anarcho-capitalists’ (ancaps).
・Anthropogenic climate change denial, COVID-19 denial, anti-vaccination, (right-wing) conspiracy ’theories’ and hoaxes.
・and of course no spam and other forms of advertisement. If you publish continuously a very high number of public toots (excl. replies) in a short time (e.g. more than 1 toot every minute over a longer period of time), we might consider that as spamming.
・We understand that sometimes toots have an ironic or humorous context. We try to take that into account when moderating your content, but remember that irony and humor won’t always exonerate you.

So tl;dr, ALL speech is banned.
You can literally say nothing at all.

We accept all languages, although English, Dutch, German and Spanish are most popular on this server. Because of our multilingual moderation team we can moderate in English, Dutch, Spanish, German, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.

Too bad you don’t allow any speech at all though, so being allowed to speak any language is just meaningless.

Because we now have enough bots, we only accept bots if they really add something special to and if they post unlisted when not official. That’s why you have to ask our admin (.eu/.nl) for approval first.

Asking an admin to add a bot, that’s quite authoritarian.

Please add ‘parody’ or ‘unofficial’ in bio’s of fake accounts of (voluntary) famous people or organizations. Fake accounts of non-famous people are not allowed.

So literally nothing is allowed, but parody accounts of famous people or organizations are allowed, but no parody accounts of non-famous people?
Sorry, but my brain is unable to handle this anti-logic.

We always keep the right to limit or delete your account. We are fortunately very tolerant and therefore we will always think twice before we take these actions.

Literally everything is banned, and yet you’re “very tolerant”!!
Good joke mate, good joke!!

Please use the report tool if you think someone on this server or another server did not comply with our guidelines. Note that sometimes rules are only valid for local users.

You said that the TOS only applies to your server.
Why the fuck do other servers have to comply with your rather impossible guidelines!?

Content warnings and sensitive images

You can read it yourself, but it doesn’t matter, because to the extreme left (((AUTHORITARIANS))), literally everything is sensitive and content warnings are required for literally everything, as they’ve already pointed out themselves in the “We do not accept” section of the TOS anyway.

Avatar and header images

Put simply, nothing that 8 year olds can’t handle is allowed.


Let’s see what they have to say about reporting.
Reporting is something only fascists/authoritarians would do, but since they are a fascist and authoritarian instance, makes sense they have rules for reporting.

Always add toots and additional comments to reports describing why you are reporting the user and/or toot. Or else our moderators have to magically guess why you are reporting someone and/or something.

OK, sounds reasonable.

Consider sending a copy of your report to a remote server. Keep in mind that remote servers have other rules or no rules at all. So what is not allowed on, can be allowed on another server, and visa versa.

At least I’m glad you recognize that other servers don’t have to follow your clown world level rules again.

Don’t accuse people without proof.

I fully agree with that.

Controversial reports are discussed with more than one moderator.

So basically everything will go through an army of moderators.

Please give our moderators time to investigate your report.

Good, I’m all for that.

If you are not completely satisfied with our moderation policies, you can always mute and block users (and servers) by yourself.

Yes, good idea!

Report complete servers/instances in a direct message to or


Domain blocks

Yet another authoritarian/fascist point, but let’s see.

The default domain block policy on is that we prefer to silence servers. Blocking complete servers is something we won’t do so easy. We think that blocking individual users by is a better approach.

Fair enough.

We silence servers for various reasons. Of course servers that are clearly not compatible with our terms of services, but we also silence servers to keep our federate timeline readable for our target audience (like e.g. Japanese servers and servers that don’t have language detection).

You’re soylencing entire servers for being Japanese!?

Just FYI, their niggerlist can be found here, and only shows they’re outright lying when they say they prefer to soylence servers over blocking them.
But just call “blocking” “suspending”, and they think it’s suddenly OK.


Copyright is a scam.
Though their only rule on it is quite reasonable.

Usage by children
Our site, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 16 years old. If you are under the age of 16, per the requirements of the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) do not use this site.

Reading the TOS, your instance is aimed at 6 year olds and younger…