Poast, the “escape from big tech stranglehold on public discourse” instance, which strangleholds on public discourse

The TOS is short and to the point, which is good.
However, their soyte rules are more than 3 times the size.

Poast came to my attention after finding out that they FediBlocked the 076 SNS instance (screenshot evidence included).
Update: 076.ne.jp got killed, and 076.moe isn’t blocked (yet).
Also, while .ne.jp was still alive, turned out they only niggerlisted just me instance-wide rather than the entire instance.

Despite this, we don’t appear to be on their list anywhere (yet) though.

Terms of Soyvice

This is our web site, and we will do as we please with it. If you don’t like how we run our site, you are free to set up your own.

Alright, fair enough.

You grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, world-wide, irrevocable, no-charge, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute content you post here.

So far so good.

We do not promise to preserve anyone’s content for any particular length of time. If you want to preserve content (whether your own or someone else’s) from this web site, you should download your own copy of that content.


You are liable for everything you post. We do not filter or block other instances that do not post illegal content (see below), many of whom post inflammatory comments, pornography and other obscene materials and as such we require you to be 18 years of age or older at signup. If you are not 18 years of age, there are other instances on the Fediverse that cater to younger audiences.

Which is a blatant lie, as I found out.
And apparently, while I was writing this article, applejack confirmed me the same thing has happened to her.

Soyte rules

Do not post anything that would be classified as illegal in the United States.

So authoritarian…

Do not post or request personal information or personally-identifying information (“dox”), whether it is “publicly available” or not. Do not post content that identifies anonymous or pseudonymous people unless they have willingly and publicly published that content themselves. Creating accounts or services for the express purpose of documenting users, activities or otherwise engaging in stalking behavior will not be tolerated.


Do not “fedpost”. This is defined as explicitly violent and possibly credible threats against groups or entities that the US government would classify as “protected”. What constitutes being credible is left up to the discretion of the moderation team. Context will be taken into consideration.

So basically, get woke.

Spam of any kind involving posting, deleting, frivolous reports, etc. will not be tolerated.


Continually harassing and dogpiling users from other instances, or purposely setting out to have other instances mute or block poa.st from federation by repeatedly harassing their users or spamming, will not be tolerated. Your account will be limited or deactivated.

And yet you mute or block entire instances.
Lovely isn’t it? Double standards…

Do not use multiple accounts to circumvent people blocking you or to evade bans, silences or other moderation measures.

Standard rule on many instances.

Mark your account as a bot if the majority of posting will be automated.
We do not allow accounts that are solely used to advertise a product or service.
Parody accounts are acceptable, however you must state in your bio that it is a parody or your account will be terminated for impersonation.


Keep your profile’s avatar and header image “safe for work”, since Pleroma doesn’t provide the ability to mark these images as sensitive.

If you need to have something marked as sensitive, then maybe you’re too sensitive to run an instance.

It is recommended that you mark your post as sensitive when posting media with excessive blood or gore.

A recommendation, not a requirement, so OK.

Posting pornography is allowed under the following restrictions:

・ All pornographic images must be marked sensitive when posting.
・ When posting legal performers who look underage (“jailbait”), make sure they are clearly credited in media watermarks or in your post.
・ Explicit drawn or computer-generated images are allowed for artistic or humorous value, but do not post them in a context or with comments endorsing or glorifying pedophilic activity.
・ Extreme (obscene) material that a vast majority would find distasteful is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: realistic 3D depictions of children, toddlercon, bestiality, and scat.
Please be advised imagery or any media that is deemed to be pedophilic in nature will be reported to The International Center for Missing & Exploited Children (ICEMC) Child Exploitation reporting site.
・ Protip: when in doubt, don’t post it.

And this is why you can never trust westerners to host free speech platforms.
Or at least, people who host a server in a western area.
So you’re kinda OK with blood or gore, but not with drawings…
How old are you? 3?

Do not explicity support the MAP or other pedophilic communities. Acting like you molest children, even ironically, will be subject to post deletion.

Not really what you’d consider “free speech”…
I don’t support pedophilia at all, but neither I support censorship.

Instance-specific Policies

I’ll let you see it for yourself, as the list of instances they filter or block is pretty long for an instance that “does not filter or block other instances”.
And apparently the true list is even longer, because it appears like they blocked 076 SNS, even though it’s not on the list.