076, the true free speech platform that doesn’t claim to be one

Originally I made this FALI section to expose “free speech” instances that restrict speech, “libertarian” instances that are actually authoritarian, and “anarchist” instances that are actually communist/soycialist/marxist/fascist (same shit, different name).
Being an admin of 076 myself, I think this instance is pretty special, because it doesn’t claim to be free speech, but yet moderation is pretty much absent due to our “I don’t give a fuck” approach.
It might come over as biased, but it really isn’t.
The only time censorship took place was when a spambot joined, and loli frog publicly let everyone know about it.

Lolicon/shotacon, actual porn, left wing speech, right wing speech, libertarianism, communism, capitalism, hate speech, even piracy, anything goes.
This is because the owner of the instance got banned from everywhere herself, so she created an instance for herself at first, but later decided to open up registrations out of kindness.
Due to the language barrier, 076 is actually intended for Japanese users, but the whole world is allowed to join in too.

But this is an example of how all free speech platforms end up restricting speech even harder than the censorious big tech, while instances that don’t claim to be a free speech platform offer real free speech.