Here’s my email address: (CUMMING SOON)
Here’s my XMPP address:
Here’s my PGP public key: (CUMMING SOON)

My IRC cummunity: 地下広場

I reply in either Japanese or English.
Sorry, don’t know any other language.

Physical address: Somewhere in Japan, good luck figuring out the rest.
Phone number: +81(CENSORED)


I have no censorious soyware chat accounts like Matrix, ChatWork, or Slack.
I have no censorious soyware chat accounts that require a phone number like Signal.
I have no censorious soyware chat accounts that require a phone number and on top of that double as a spying botnet like Discucked, WhatsApp, LINE, Telegram, WeChat, KOKOA, Messenger, or Skype.
And I have no chat account on a service I just don’t care about like Session or Tox.

Furthermore, you will only find me on 076 SNS, Gitler, The Crowhouse, a number of good IRC channels, and of course this very blog.
And also 076 Video, but that one is basically dead anyway.
I was also on the PINE64 forums, but censorship has chased me out of there, so I don’t even visit that soyte anymore.
I also kind of have an account at GC2, but they’re behind Cuckflare, so I can’t even access that soyte anymore, and on top of that defederated, so there’s literally no point in using it.
I also post on JP Channel and BLACK II as an anonymous user sometimes, I no longer post on /librejp/ because they just won’t let me post, and Nanochan is down more often than a fucking retard.
You won’t find me anywhere else.

Rules for emailing me

  1. No HTML emails, I accept plain text emails only. HTML emails will be discarded.
  2. Emails must be encrypted with PGP and signed. Any email that’s unencrypted and unsigned will be discarded.
  3. Any spam is subjected to niggerlisting.
  4. No complaining about racism, sexism, transphobia, nazism, fascism, anti-loli’s, and other woke or puritan bullshit. If you can’t handle what I have to say, just grow the fuck up! Such complaints shall be sent to /dev/null. If any of them arrive into my mailbox, I’ll move them straight into the black hole, and your email address will be niggerlisted.

Rules for XMPP

  1. Only write to me with OMEMO enabled, won’t respond if you don’t turn it on.
  2. No woke or puritan complaining. If you feel offended by my words, just get a life then. I have no sympathy for you at all.
  3. Any death threats should be done directly at my physical residence (of which I’m not gonna disclose) with you holding an AK-47 to my head. Every other form of the death threat will be dismissed, sorry.

Rules for IRC

  1. Whatever.