Why everybody shops at Amazon despite the many alternative webshops

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寮、 2022/04/21 — technology, webdev

How the landscape of webshops evolved:

  1. “Amazon has too much power, we need more smaller webshops.”
  2. “Your own webshops? That’s so cool! Everyone has to have their own webshop!”
  3. (sees barely anyone is buying shit) “What can I do to get more customers? I KNOW!! Let’s make it entirely in React.js, stuff it with a zillion NPM dependencies, fill all the pages with as many ads as possible, put more and more trackers, fight in the endless SEO war, and put it behind CuckFlare, because everyone loves cool looking webshops!”
  4. (sees the customer rate dropped from barely anyone to absolutely 0) REEE!! WHY IS EVERYONE SHOPPING AT AMAZON INSTEAD!!??