Why free software is ALWAYS superior over proprietary software

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寮、 2022/05/25 — technology

This my friends is the ultimate explanation about why you should NOT use WinDOS, macOS, iOS, or Goolag Android:

This is why I’m so glad I grew up with Linux, this is why I love Linux and since recently BSD so much, this is why I use a PinePhone over any other phone (when I really have to), this is why I have a ThinkPad and love it so much.

And a bit less related but still related, this is why I’m on Fediverse and not on any of the big tech or alt tech platforms, this is why I use XMPP and refuse to ever use LINE, Discord, Matrix, WhatsApp, Skype, or some other non-free chat app or protocol.

Because I prefer to own what I use, rather than have permission to be allowed to use something I on top of that have to pay for too.
Even if you disagree, what do you think is more attractive?
Download and install something for free and have full control over it, or pay a lot of money (or use up lots of system resources in the case of chat programs/protocols and SNS) and be a total slave to whoever made it?