Hosting on the clearnet is like having a boot stamping on your neck

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寮、 2022/07/12 — technology, internet, censorship, darknet, privacy

Picking the right VPS providers in current year is hard.
It really seems like we’re getting a boot stamping on our necks wherever we go, because it’s either VPS companies in bed with the New World Order commies, or the so-called “resistance” (right-leaning) that is hiding behind Cuckflare, which is provided to you by the NWO glowniggers, and the opposite side of the so-called “resistance” (left-leaning) welcomes NWO policies (especially the idpol police state ones) with open arms, which guarantees censorship and deplatforming for whatever reason they want.

Having a static IP and hosting Raspberry Pi servers at home seems to be the best form of mitigation for the clearnet, but then again you’re doxing your location to the entire world.
Well, if you get a static IP from a service like Interlink (a Japanese company), they’ll ASSign the IP location to a random datacenter they own somewhere within Japan (they have multiple), but if you go through your ISP directly, they might either be extremely expensive or outright not allow it, and they WILL ASSign it to your real location (or at least close to it).
Also, every single ISP (at least here in Japan) is a WEF memeber, and finding one that’s not is like finding a unicorn somewhere on the other side of the rainbow.

Good thing we still have the darknet (Tor and I2P), so no matter how hostile your ISP is, there’s nothing they can do about it, you host your shit on physical metal at home at no cost, and you don’t need to worry about whether your location is known to literally everyone and their mothers.

The only reason why this website is on the clearnet currently is because my darknet server is currently down, and I won’t be able to fix it until after summer.
But once my darknet servers are up, I’ll probably keep this clearnet domain as a backup, but the main focus will return to the darknet again.