ThorChain is the latest example of how to NOT do JavaScript

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寮、 2022/04/13 — technology, webdev

Question, when are we at peak Javascript?

If you disable Javascript, you can view the site perfectly fine.
However, you can’t click on any “a href” links, just none!
Enable Javascript, and all of the sudden you can click on links, but the back button of the browser wraps me straight back to Searx, regardless on how many links I clicked on.
And in addition, my CPU instantly jumps to 15%, and fans are going crazy.

Upon inspection, I noticed this:

Without Javascript:

<a target="_blank" label="not_defined" category="not_defined" action="not_defined" class="right-btn btn" data-v-f4582520="">Swap</a>

With Javascript:

<a target="_self" label="not_defined" category="not_defined" action="not_defined" class="right-btn btn" data-v-f4582520="" href="/ecosystem/interfaces">Swap</a>

If that’s not a blatant “TURN ON JS OR ELSE!!”, then I don’t know.
Like, why the fuck is Javascript needed to put a “href” variable into an “a” tag!?
You literally have no way to justify this bullcrap!

Comment by Udon

@ryo It’s a cool way to show “I know scripting 🕶”, maybe. (with a pure and innocent heart)