Stop using PHP frameworks, follow the KISS principle

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寮、 2022/05/21 — technology, webdev

“We have to use a PHP framework so all programmers understand the code.”

No you fucking idiot, by using a framework you achieve the exact opposite of that!
A programmer’s responsibility is to understand 100% of the code they’re working with, not to abstract 95% of it so you only have to care about the remaining 5%.

I have experience writing code in real PHP, Laravel, Symphony, CakePHP, and Zend.
And every time I have fully finished projects in a matter of days or weeks in real PHP, while I never get to finish shit in any of the frameworks after a year even, simply because it’s designed to become a plate of spaghetti, no matter how much you try to keep it simple.

Simply because with real PHP you’re starting from nothing and can have full control over your code, including applying the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle.

Meanwhile with the frameworks you start from somewhere between 666 KiB and 5 fricking MiB worth of dependencies, classes, middlewarez, routes, scripts, templates, config files, and all else you don’t need.

If you want to make rock solid, lightweight software that is entirely bug free?
Apply the KISS principle and the Unix phylosophy of doing 1 thing and doing it well.
Yes, that means NO all-in-one Swiss knife type of soyware, from my own first hand experience this WILL lead to the continuous creation of many bugs, exploits, and other problems, which’ll effectively render your project into being beta forever (or otherwise never finished).