StartPage is NOT a privacy search engine, part 2

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寮、 2022/04/09 — technology, privacy

Remember how I said Startpage is a little bit less bad than CuckCuckGo for having a proper way of viewing the site without JS?
Forget about it, yet another “Privacy Bad” search engine virtue signalling about privacy.

Comment by arcanicanis

You know what: YouTube, Discord, Facebook, Twitter, etc are helping make major strides in a freer and open internet again. They provide the prime example of what NOT to be, and are inadvertently exerting pressure for people to leave for alternatives.

Almost every day now for the past week I hear of another YouTube channel that’s temp-banned (typically one or more accounts each day). It’s absurd that the only way some channels are even able to get strikes rolled back is only if they have ‘special connections’ to the company, but even then, they still often get screwed over.

I also see a significant uptake in federated instant messaging protocols in the past year or two, far more than I’ve seen in the past two decades since options first existed.

But of course: some people will complain that these alternatives aren’t “friendly” enough for all their ‘normie’ friends to adopt it. And you know what: that’s perfect. Let it be a Turing or IQ test. Let the people that lack motivation to overcome simple obstacles reside to their ‘normie-web’, while those that have troubleshooting and critical thinking skills to have a space reserved for themselves, to be able to have rational, meaningful and thoughtful conversation. It’s another reason I’d like to start hosting more things exclusively on Tor or I2P: because it provides a simple obstacle to filter out the lazy and apathetic, while providing more privacy, encryption, etc.

Comment by 寮

@arcanicanis That’s what I was thinking too.
Well, perhaps I won’t run any communities myself, I have friends doing a great job at that already, but when I launch my own website again, it’ll be Tor exclusive.
Maybe I2P too, but first I want the i2pd guys to finally make the daemon not go down after a few hours after restarting it again for no reason.