Sponsorship clips is spam 2.0

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寮、 2023/01/14 — internet, spam, soy


I already said many times before how much I fucking hate spoonsorshit clips in JewTube videos.
This seems especially to be the case with English speaking videos, Japanese speaking ones don’t have them.
Not sure about any other languages though.

But this whole spoonsor stuff is in many ways even worse than ads, because at least you can easily block ads with extensions, and condoms like Invidious won’t show the ad all in the first place.
There is an extension that blocks spoonsorshits, but it only works on the regular JewTube spyware UI, and only with JewTube videos.
But this is basically what big JewTubers think of you; a fucking cash cow ready to get milked because they don’t want to find any real job.
Might sound like a boomer here, but JewTube really is not a real job.
You’re walking on paperthin egg shells all the time, all your ancient videos need to comply with the rules of the future, or you’ll lose ad revenue whenever mr. Susan decides so, while blaming the advertisers.

They start off with shady companies emailing (ex-)JewTubers with an offer.
Hell, spoonsorshits are basically email spam.
Just like email spam, spoonsorshits are video clips you never asked for, never clicked to see, and don’t want to see at all.
Just like email spam, spoonsorshits are irrelevant to the video you clicked to see.
Just like email spam, spoonsorshits offer you bottom of the barrel crap you would otherwise never buy or even know existed.
Just like email spam, spoonsorshits are designed to scam you.
And just like email spam, everyone fucking hates spoonsorshits, and yet they just put up with it.

I have this policy for myself, as soon as a spoonsorshit clip rolls, I click away and lose all my interest in the video as a whole.
If you really need to make money, just get a job then, or start your own business, and maybe ask for voluntary Monero donations if you want occasionally extra bit of money.
Those who genuinely like your content will donate at least once, something that so far only happened twice to me, although when they happened the sums were really decent and I very appreciated it both times.
Though since it’s Monero, I can’t know who donated unless they tell me so, I only know 1 of them, but when I asked if it’s OK to say he donated, I got no reply at all, so I was ASSuming that it’s a “no”.

It’s a short article, but the message is so clear, I don’t need to write much.