A guide to a simple alternative to reporting people or posts for new Fediverse users

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寮、 2022/11/22 — technology, internet, communication, sns, fediverse, mastodon

Now with the massive raise of Twatfugees fleeing Elon Musk for Mastodong, AGAIN, I’m seeing a recent increase of retarded and pointless reports by 863%, AGAIN!!
Reporting is an effective way to censorship on centralized platforms, but it has no real effect on decentralized instances.
The same was true 2 decades ago before the normalfags, corporations, and governments started invading the internet, and it’s still the case today on instances run by people with decades of internet histroy, because unlike them, we still remember how the old internet functioned.
So in today’s blog post, I’ll teach you an effective alternative to reporting, what we used back when the internet was run by nerds instead of governments and corporations.

Imagine having found a post or person you don’t like (I actually like the person below, but it’s just an example), like this.

Simply click the profile picture, use the mute and block button, refresh the page if you have to, and move on with your life.

Seriously dude, it’s just an internet.
If you feel the need to DICKtate others on what they’re allowed to see/hear/do or not, then maybe that means you’re not supposed to use the internet to begin with, and find psychological help instead.