My response to Eric Murthy's "Why I Will Never Join Mastodon" post

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寮、 2023/01/30 — technology, internet, sns, fediverse

My response to Eric Murphy on why he will never join Fedi.
I agree with his post, but it really falls apart one 1 specific issue, which is the fundamental reason to use soycial media: shitposting.
As I said many times before, soycial media should be used for shitposting and as an RSS feed for zoomers who don’t even know what RSS is.
Well, not like if the latter even matters anyway, because if you have a tech blog and you’re dealing with people who don’t know what RSS is, then maybe they won’t be interested in your blog neither.

Eric’s reasoning for why you should have your own website instead of SNS goes to being able to express your opinion freely, having something important to say, having a truly decentralized internet, and everything like that, and I fully agree with all of that 100%, he’s absolutely right on that.
But what if your objective is not to write entire blog posts on why technology X should be preferred to improve your workflow and quality of life, and instead you just want to share a meme, or write a little joke, or whatever?
Well you could use an imageboard like 4chan for that, but Fedi is a great option for that as well.
The point is, keep your blog clean and filled with valuable information.

The only reason why SNS isn’t used as a shitposting hub is simply because the NORPs don’t do that.
People on centralized SNS platforms all use it as their digital home, which they shouldn’t, and they should use their own website as a digital home instead, but on Fedi (at least on the wider “Mirror Fediverse”, not as much on the iron curtained “regular Fediverse”) there’s plenty of people using it for shitposting, like how it should be.
This is why I embrace both, on the internet it’s OK to not be serious all the time.
In fact, being a serious as fuck blackpilled doomer is basically like a cry for Canadian health care, I mean suicide.