Odysee Rant, part 1

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寮、 2022/03/31 — technology, cryptocurrency

Dear LBRY, I know you love Javascript so much, but why the fuck do I need to turn on Javascript to unsubscribe from your email list!?

Javascript is required to securely send your unsubscribe information. Email help@lbry.com for manual unsubscription.

“Javascript” and “securely” in one sentence, what a joke…

While the Web3 believers are still blindly shilling for LBRY/Odysee, I was done with it the day @TechnicalSuwako told me about blatant loli censorship on Odysee, and how her channel was entirely inaccessible for a few days until she asked them what the fuck is going on by email, to which they told her to add the “mature” tag to 2 videos in order to get her channel back.

This counts as censorship, because Odysee won’t show you any content marked as “mature” and there’s no way to enable it.
Sure, you can still watch in the LBRY app or on lbry.tv (that site still existed at the time it happened) instead (after you manually enable “mature content” if you’re even aware that option even exists), but how many people are shilling for Odysee vs LBRY?
How many people do you think will be using odysee.com exclusively?
Even Librarian wouldn’t help much, because Suwako’s fork is perhaps the only one that allows you to watch videos with the “mature” tag, since vanilla Librarian has a hard-coded “porn” filter as well as a hard-coded “anything that’s not commie-friendly” filter.

They might be good programmers when it comes to cryptocurrencies, because unlike many other crypto-focussed services LBRY Credit is an actual crypto instead of yet another Etherium-based token like BAT or USDT for example.
But if you make your entire websites depend on Javascript and serve the white page of death to everyone who disables JS for security and privacy reasons, you’re just sending a virtual middle finger to all the security and privacy minded people.

All you’re showing by depending entirely on JS is that you have no idea about how to make websites, and just support the current thing.
Ever noticed how your CPU fan starts going wild whenever you open Odysee in a browser tab though?

Meanwhile, the authoritarian wannabee “libertarian”, privacy and technology illiterate boomers are still full blown “OMG MAH BLUCKCHEYN (so?)!! OMG MAH DECENTRALYZED (even though it exists on a single server, which on top of that exists behind CuckFlare)!! OMG MAH NO CENSORZ (yes there is)!!”, possibly until censorship finally starts biting them in the ass, that would be hillarious to watch.