NOT using a command line makes you dumb

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寮、 2022/09/06 — technology, linux, bsd, smartphone, windows, mac, computer

Not using a command line is making you dumb as fuck, and I truly mean that!
If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you most likely use the terminal as your main work environment, because you’re much smarter than the normies.
But everyone else though?

Why is this such a big deal?

Back in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and to some extend the early 2000’s even, you HAD to know how to use the command line in order to use a computer, you were even incentivised to know how the computer internally works.
And we didn’t have to worry about a tech-related dystopia, because the only people using computers were the nerds, and computers were still far off the radar of the elites.

Then the smartphones came on one hand, and Macs got an explosion of new users (mainly designers and artists) on the other hand.
With that you’ve got a whole generation of total idiots who only knew how to use Fakebook on a gaming PC (nowadays it’s more Instantkilograms and TikTok, but whatever).
Chad free OS users not only still use the command line A LOT, we love it too, far more than the GUI even.
The virgin proprietary OS users on the other hand increasingly have no idea what a command line even is outside of movies about computer hackers.

Android has no terminal app, you can install one if you want to, but there’s no native solution for that.
Or you can use the ADB shell, but it requires a PC and a USB cable in order to access.
On iOS it’s even worse, there’s absolutely no terminal at all unless you jailbreak and download one from Cydia or some shit.

On the PC front it’s only slightly better, but still worrysome.
10 years ago with the WinDOS 7 system, at least much of its users still knew what a CMD was, they at least knew that programs are stored in “C:\Program Files” (look, I’m not even a WinDOS user, and I know exactly where that is!), they at least knew you could edit the registry.
Now the WinDOS 10 and WinDOS 11 users (at least people who started using computers from either of these 2, or even 8 or 8.1) have absolutely no idea about any of these.
They’re effectively smartphone users with a mouse and keyboard.

It’s even worse with macOS (or Mac OS X like how it used to be called).
I remember having to fix a Mac of a web design company back in 2010, the entire company was shitting their pants the moment I opened a terminal, they’ve never seen it before, like seriously!
Now the good thing about macOS is that unlike WinDOS, at least I was familiar with the command line for macOS because it’s literally a UNIX system (ever tried the command line in WinDOS? It’s absolutely unusable!).
But I was absolutely shocked that these hipster idiots didn’t even know the very system they were using, even WinDOS users knew better!
And I noticed the exact same pattern again and again with every single Mac user from that time on.

However, both Crapple and Microshaft are doing everything in their power to hide the terminal or CMD more and more from sight with every new version.
Soon they’ll just make it impossible to access.
Don’t believe me?
Just look how things went with Chrome OS.
Hell, WinDOS 11 recently got a new update that requires a full re-install of your PC, because they felt like locking down WinDOS even further than what they already did.

So you say normies should learn the command line in 2022?

I absolutely say that!
You don’t need to be a guru, even knowing basic file management related commands is good enough.
You should also take the tiny little time to know the OS you’re using more, every PC user should at the very least know where the installed programs are stored, where the config files are located, how to compile already made source code, and where exactly your home folder is located, I view these as the bare minimal skills every PC user needs to know.
If you master the command line, you master the PC.
If you don’t, then the PC masters you.

And if you’re not using Linux or BSD yet, hurry up and switch to Linux or BSD while you still can, as Microshaft, Crapple, and Goolag are all locking their soystems down more and more.
Also, get an older PC, unless you play the latest gaymes (which are generally woke trash anyway), visit bloated websoytes (which you shouldn’t), and render videos (maybe useful if you’re a JewTuber or PeerTuber), there’s literally no reason to use a new PC.
More on that here.